Our current priority is making character movement easier to handle as well as controller support and bug fixing some of the bigger issues. We will be doing a series of hotfixes over the course of the next few days, and then slowly transition into a weekly patch schedule.
-Locked FPS to 90FPS maximum, 60 FPS default (and recommended).
-Controllers default binding after reading feedback. (If you can't properly reset to default setting, try deleting C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Forsaken\Saved\SaveGames\Settings\Gamepad.sav)
-Giants no longer deal 100% of players health, instead deal set damage, which can be further mitigated by your armor.
-Removed start animations from unarmed movement to reduce impulse on initial movement.
-Redesigned the climbing section in the Monastery as it was causing issues.
-Improved readability of some areas in the Monastery with slight changes to map layout.
-Other smaller changes.
-Fixed enemies spawning inside of props.
-New game accepting "None" as autosave name causing issue with saving and loading.
-Players being able to aggro boss outside of his arena.
-Torch being displayed as weapon.
-Tips panel in settings displaying wrong tip for certain keybinds.
Changed files in this update