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Bleak Faith: Forsaken update for 11 March 2023

Patch Notes:

Share · View all patches · Build 10747261 · Last edited 11 March 2023 – 17:26:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Our current priority is making character movement easier to handle as well as controller support and bug fixing some of the bigger issues. We will be doing a series of hotfixes over the course of the next few days, and then slowly transition into a weekly patch schedule.


-Locked FPS to 90FPS maximum, 60 FPS default (and recommended).
-Controllers default binding after reading feedback. (If you can't properly reset to default setting, try deleting C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Forsaken\Saved\SaveGames\Settings\Gamepad.sav)
-Giants no longer deal 100% of players health, instead deal set damage, which can be further mitigated by your armor.
-Removed start animations from unarmed movement to reduce impulse on initial movement.
-Redesigned the climbing section in the Monastery as it was causing issues.
-Improved readability of some areas in the Monastery with slight changes to map layout.
-Other smaller changes.


-Fixed enemies spawning inside of props.
-New game accepting "None" as autosave name causing issue with saving and loading.
-Players being able to aggro boss outside of his arena.
-Torch being displayed as weapon.
-Tips panel in settings displaying wrong tip for certain keybinds.

Windows Bleak Faith: Forsaken Content Depot 1173221
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