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Citizen Sleeper update for 30 March 2023

Citizen Sleeper Episode: PURGE - Out Now

Share · View all patches · Build 10747237 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Wake up, Sleeper.

Citizen Sleeper’s third and final DLC, Episode: PURGE, is out now!

The news gets better. The game is on sale at 30% off until April 4, AND it launches tomorrow, March 31st on PS4 and PS5.

With the release of Episode PURGE, Citizen Sleeper’s three episode post-launch DLC expansion is now complete and the game has even more to offer with a thrilling late game storyline that delivers an immersive new narrative arc introducing additional characters, lore and locations. Players returning to Erlin’s Eye might even find themselves running into some familiar faces!

Since launch, the tabletop-inspired narrative RPG has received high praise from the industry at large, including prestigious award nominations from the The Game Awards, the IGF Awards, the D.I.C.E. awards, a British Writers Guild Award, and last week, received the "social impact" award from the Game Developer's Choice Awards.

Citizen Sleeper is also up for four BAFTA Game Awards! Tune into the ceremony today in just under an hour at 18:50 BST / 10:50 PT on the BAFTA's Twitch channel to see if it wins!

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