In this patch we have improved and fixed the following:
- Decreased the Stab damage addition from 25% to 15%
- Increased the Stab energy requirement from 50 to 60
- Increased the multi-target Slash damage decrease from -65% to -35%
- Increased the multi-target Backwards Slash damage decrease from -65% to -15%
- Decreased the multi-target Backwards Slash energy required from 40 to 30
- Increased Base Energy regeneration
- Increased Base Grace regeneration and decreased per-Faith grace regeneration
- Decreased Grace gained per point of Faith to 3 (from 5)
- Decreased Speed of Dodge/Roll when running out of energy by -30% (from -10%)
- Increased Damage of Melee/Range abilities when running out of energy to -35% (from -40%)
- Increased the Damage addition percent of the Power Arrow ability
- Decreased the cooldown of the Power Arrow ability
- Decreased the cooldown of the Cleave ability
- Enemies will regenerate health slower when fleeing
- Enemy camp radius has been increased
- Lonely Valley wolves are now weaker for a better beginning experience
- Increase click area of chickens/crabs/rabbits
- Magic projectiles should be less aggresive when homing towards the player
- The merchant Dwarf will now buy items at a better price than other merchants
- Reduced the input qeueue duration, Wigmund will not attempt to execute actions without input
- Fixed a bug in which Wigmund would stop fishing after one animation loop
Thank you for your feedback and patience!
Changed files in this update