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Word Attack update for 11 March 2023

Extra placement mode

Share · View all patches · Build 10746477 · Last edited 11 March 2023 – 13:09:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Additionally to being able to set if you have gesture placement on or off, you can now set if the gesture should be relative to the screen or to the orientation of the cell on the board where you first click. As an example, given the cell you first click on looks upside down from your perspective, if the gesture mode is relative to the screen, gesturing down will put the tiles "under" the first cell, e.g. upward as you are looking at the board, where as if the gesture mode is relative to the board, this downward gesture would put the tiles "above" the first cell, e.g. downward as you are looking at it. The direction arrow on the tile rack will change while you are holding the mouse button down and making the gesture (you don't need to make a quick gesture, the gesture is from the time you click until the time and place you release the mouse button). The tiles will be placed next to the clicked cell to the side indicated by the direction arrow.

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