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Creo God Simulator update for 11 March 2023

The Reignition Update

Share · View all patches · Build 10745171 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Back at it Again!

Hey there all you Creostriders! I'm excited to announce that Creo God Simulator is back in active development after a long hiatus.

As many of you know, Creo God Simulator is currently being developed by only myself. For the last few years, I've been getting my university degree. To be frank, the university was much more challenging and intensive than I initially assumed, and I was severely limited in what I could accomplish game development-wise. However, I'm excited to announce that this is my final semester, and I'm graduating with my degree in May!

This means that I will have much more time to dedicate to the development and growth of our game in the coming weeks, though I've already started ramping up development and updates, and am entering into a new daily routine where I work on the game regularly.

Upcoming Plans

Recently, I've had the time to plan out my vision for a "completed" version of Creo. Though I plan on creating a visual infographic progress map, I will list the crucial components I think will make Creo God Simulator an outstanding game:

  • An end game and story to the main game mode. I've been writing the lore behind the world of Creo, and part of this lore involves you (the Creostrider) building certain specific structures in order to unlock "waypoint" events, which will help you progress in the story.
  • Steam trading cards.
  • Steam achievements.
  • Several new structures and tiered production buildings (think a sawmill to create even more wood, or a large bakery to produce food more quickly).
  • Various new randomized events (I plan on adding at least one new event per game update).
  • Several new songs for our outstanding soundtrack.
  • Various new god powers that will help balance new game mechanics and events.

Because of the new focus being placed on Creo and its entering active development, I would like to let you all know that Creo God Simulator will now cost $4.99 USD to download and will no longer be free to play. However, please note that if you already downloaded the free version, I will not make you pay for it! Please consider it my gift for showing your support and playing my game while it was free! This price change will occur most likely be in 1-2 weeks from the date of this update.

The Reignition Update Details

This update contains various exciting new mechanics and features, not to mention a multitude of bug fixes and improvements. Please note that this update breaks all previous saves, so no cities prior to this update will be playable.

Randomized Event Improvements

Many of you have stated that negative random events occur far too regularly, and seriously impede your city's development. I completely agree! So, I've now modified the code to allow for both a positive and negative event timer. This means that positive and negative events are now categorized as such, and their regularity is now directly based on the map's difficulty you selected when you created the new world.


That's right! Your maps can now have mountains dotting the landscape, adding beauty and challenge to your maps. Though mountains currently only take up space, I plan on adding buildings and mechanics in the future that use mountains.

And Much More...

This update includes a variety of other improvements and changes, so please feel free to try out the update and let me know what you think! I love seeing your city designs and screenshots, in addition to answering questions and hearing your suggestions on how to improve the game.

Big Changes:

  • Updated random event system so that negative events occur much less often than positive ones, and how often they occur is based on the map difficulty.
  • Added in mountains to the game - can be controlled in the world creation menu.
  • Added a new level of detail system which increases game performance significantly, especially when zoomed out.
  • Increased game performance overall through several system refactorings and rendering improvements.

Small Changes:

  • Cleaned and refactored the entire project, decreasing build and install size by 33%
  • Added villagers leaving if they are homeless.
  • Added villagers dying of old age.
  • Increased villager birth rate.
  • Added "Create migrant caravan" as a developer mode option.
  • Improved UI of the developer mode screen.
  • Attempted to add more contrast to in-game UI text (prayer answered/loot drop clicked).
  • Added text indicating the amount when loot drops are clicked.
  • Added particle animations to more buildings.
  • Removed Patreon link.
  • Changed game developer back to MKSM Design LLC.
  • Updated villager animators and billboard logic to not run when culled, increasing performance.
  • Updated other (clouds, buildings) animators to not run when culled, increasing performance.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed dev mode not disabling when the game is paused.
  • Fixed earthquake disasters killing more people than were available.
  • Fixed Creostrider Plaza placement object not despawning when the game is paused.
  • Fixed metal meteors, cat, and locust swarms spawning outside of the map area.
  • Fixed bug where willpower well placement could toggle housing construction.
  • Fixed wells not stopping fire extinguishing on their destruction.
  • Fixed meteor not destroying trees on collision.
  • Fixed repair shops not stopping repairs on their destruction.
  • Fixed "Buy" and "Sell" button text in the trade menu not translating to correct localization.
Windows Creo God Simulator Content Depot 1028731
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