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Music & Fireworks Show update for 11 March 2023

EA version has been updated to v0.20

Share · View all patches · Build 10744990 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Once again, everyone has waited long! Thank you all for your support! Please let me know any ideas you have!
This, the first larger update of 2023, includes the following.

1. LOGO update

The MAFShow logo has been added with more dynamic elements and completely refurbished.
The logo is now more dynamic in the main interface and splash screen interface.

2. Interaction optimization

Updated almost all the regular buttons with neon elements for a clearer and more beautiful display.
The distance the firework stick points is now more accurate and will correctly display the interaction interface touched.

3. New fireworks and configurations

Added 6 new types of regular fireworks.
3 new super fireworks have been added.
Now there are 45 types of fireworks, all of which can be used at will in the fireworks show editor.
Added 2 new color configurations.
Added 21 new fireworks configurations.

4. lighting

Upgraded to lighting system 2.0, of the original lights on the basis of the additional new rhythm laser and light, enjoy the dance of laser and searchlight light!

5. New generation mode

A new Japanese fireworks display mode has been added.
After selecting the music, the mode selection will appear, at this time select the Japanese mode.
In Japan mode, the duration of the fireworks is shorter, the display matches more abundantly, and the fireworks display is more coherent and ambient!

6. Optimization of viewing locations

New viewing locations have been added to Marina Park to enjoy the gorgeous fireworks under the Ferris wheel.
Added a new location for viewing the cruise ships at sea to enjoy the fireworks show in the harbor as the ships move.
Optimized other viewing locations for lighting fireworks.

7. urban optimization

Optimized the performance of the park in the coastal area, adding rocks, flowers, lighting atmosphere, fences, etc.
Optimized the Ferris wheel view, now the lights of the Ferris wheel will change slowly with time.
In addition to the default sky, added two kinds of skies to choose from, evening and cloudy, you can use random sky or choose the right one by yourself.

8. music sound effects

Added a new built-in music, come and enjoy.
Added a new city sound effect, enabled by default, you can also choose the original sound effect in the settings to use.

9. UI optimization

Music list scroll bar is thickened, easy to click.

10. Performance improvements

Optimized the performance of some fireworks, up to 5 times better.

11. Issue fixes

Fixed the issue that the image setting menu button may not work when pressed.
Fixed the issue that the music settings menu button may not work when pressed.
Fixed the problem that the game setting menu button may not work when pressed.
Fixed the performance problem of some fireworks in the editor.
Fixed the problem that some firework particles are not rotated.
Fixed the problem of incoherent display of some fireworks.
Fixed the problem that some super fireworks trajectories are not interrupted correctly.
Fixed the problem that the preview performance of some fireworks in the editor is different from the official fireworks.
Fixed the problem that some official fireworks sometimes have too much smoke when bursting and cause lag.
Fixed the terrain problem in the villa area.
Fixed the problem that the roof viewing position would be blocked by the sunshade.
Fixed the problem that some settings did not take effect

12. Other

Adopted a new game icon and loading map.

Subsequent versions will add online play and mod support and other content as soon as possible, so stay tuned.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them through the Discord channel, community or email.

We hope you enjoy the Music & Fireworks Show, and good luck!

Windows 64-bit 音乐烟花秀(Music & Fireworks Show) EA v0.1.0.2 Depot 1901583
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