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MAJOR Mercenary Leto update for 12 March 2023

Spring Update!

Share · View all patches · Build 10744016 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:34:20 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Lots to celebrate! (dances)

Debug Chan -
Keyboard - X + E + Q
Xbox - B + Both Triggers

Complete Update Log

======== MAJOR ===========
Started the sixth and final level!
Last level of the game was laid out - includes new monsters, rock climbing holds, and the return of JELLYCATS
The finding Alma cutscene was added
Last last level got new tiles and camera work
(Multiple charge jumps, or the ability to chargejump after a wallclimb hold. If you touch a wall or a ring or any monster you can ride, your charge jump resets!
Title screen was redone - the layout is WAY better and makes more sense
When you beat Kaiden for the first time, rough cutscene art was added
Fixed when you fired bullets, the music would desync problem
Messed with the save game flags when you update all objects on john mule. There is still some lag there, but it's better!

======== MINOR ===========
Tabs, Issac, and Scylla now have bullet shells
When you die, the active companion will 'respawn' next to you
When you duck, the active companion will duck down with you
'Endgame' Issac and Tabs both have companion sprites
His weapon was messed with a bit, too! His bullets will appear in front of you, always. They also move a bit faster, too!
When you fight Kaiden - and die - Issac will yell at you. What a nice guy.
Gilbert bullets are back in the object pool + despawn correctly
DRGN-DPYERS make sounds when they see and fire upon you
When Xer gives you the dash boots, his cutscene panel is not blurry anymore
Alma will animate better when you see her in the caves (also hid the song note when you normally see her everywhere else in the game. Really weird that was happening...)
Alma's landing beep and jellycats are back in the sound mixer, where they should be!
The caves had a few areas where you could see off the level... oops....
Moving platforms in the abbo level was made bigger, so it's easier to jump on
Lurkers liked to spin ontop of Leto. Again. I think I fixed it for real this time. Maybe. We'll see.

Thanks for reading! As always, you can find me in the Discord. :]


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