Greetings, our valiant Keepers!
Have you thought, that we, perhaps, were gone missing yet?
No worries, this rather long pause was due to us working hard on the latest update, to bring out a lot of important changes. Let’s get right into them.
First of all, we’ve seen that you liked the Encyclopedia changes and have gotten out an absolutely massive UI redesign for a few more screens:
- Multiplayer Lobby got completely redone thanks to a friendly helpful designer hand. The original version was rather clumped up and confusing in terms of what the player was supposed to do there, so we've made a more concise flow for you to use:
As you could no doubt see, the current player shall now always be displayed in the top left part of the screen, above all the other players on the server; there is a logical grouping of server options (top right part of the Lobby) and player options (bottom right part), so you won't get lost in those anymore. We hope you'll like it!
- The Battle screen now allows you to access both Settings and Encyclopedia by pushing the top-right Pause button or Escape. Also, the Tower initiative Queue has been relocated to a more prominent and visible position in the top centre of the screen, so you will have an easier time monitoring the tower activation order; additionally, we've got player turns recorded there as well, thus, making it obvious which player shall build their tower after which.
- Settings Screen is now in a matching wiki-style, with a more concise outlook and a familiar closing button in the top left corner of the screen. Buttons are now consistent with the overall menu style, and hopefully, the screen itself is easier to read now as well.
Secondly, a bunch of important multiplayer issues have been addressed, such as the infamous game soft-locking bug whenever the server quit the lobby before his clients got the chance to leave. Likewise, it has become easier to click the right spot whenever placing a tower with subtle changes of the clicking area.
Thirdly, minor quality-of-life improvements have been introduced - for example, the winning player will enjoy a small firework show shooting out of their Keep; tutorial advice should not vanish immediately, making first levels much more straightforward to complete at your own pace, finally, the recommended graphical settings will be calculated on the first game launch for a properly comfortable experience, addressing a known issue of launching the game at maximum settings - at the cost of one's performance.
As you can see, a lot of things have been moved around and improved, and thus we finally enter the thin finish line before the actual long-awaited release of Keep the Keep as the game manages the level of polish we are rather content with.
As for now, stay tuned for the incoming week and keep it cool!
Always at your service, team
Changed files in this update