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Sun Haven update for 11 March 2023

Patch 1.0: Museum and Customization

Share · View all patches · Build 10743884 · Last edited 11 March 2023 – 00:26:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey Everyone!

It’s Bruce, the Director of Sun Haven.

Today is the day! The team is happy to announce that we are finally releasing Patch 1.0: Museum and Customization on Steam! This is our full release patch, which means we're packing tons of polish, as well as the Museum and Character Customization that we’ve been working on for a while! In fact, we’ve more than doubled some of the character customization options, like hair! Let's jump in!

Character Customization
The world of Sun Haven is diverse, home to many different races of people that encompass many different walks of life. Whether your Demon is a battle-hungry warrior or a gothy partygoer, Sun Haven reflects many aesthetics. To expand this even further, we’ve added new customization options so you can make your character to your precise taste.

There are many new hair options, new customization options for races, and new options to disable certain customizations (such as wings and horns!). There are also new color customizations for things like Angel halos and Amari ears as well. Create a new character or visit the salon in Sun Haven to explore the vast expansion of player customization!

The Museum
The gilded doors of the Sun Haven museum have finally been opened. Its vast halls of histories and knowledge are waiting to enlighten curious visitors. But there’s one problem… it’s missing all of the displays! You’ll need to help Covington, the jovial curator of the museum, fill out the missing displays and prepare the museum for a proper opening. It’s a good thing you happen to be a magic-wielding adventurer with a penchant for collecting ancient treasure.

Your generous contributions won’t go without reward, of course. Complete displays by finding and donating collections of different item types, earning wonderful and unique rewards for your hard work.

Returning players who selected Dog and Cat Amari will have to revisit the salon in order to re-select their character customization for certain things like ears (as we needed to change how some of the customization worked in order to have more options).

Patch Summary:

  • Added 200+ new character customization options across all races (each option comes in 12 colors, so there are over 3000+ new options available).
  • Added a few new pets (more coming soon).
  • Museum with 225 items to collect, including new unique items and rewards
  • Revamped multiple interiors all around the game with new art.
  • Everything in Withergate now buys and sells in Tickets (i.e., Seeds).
  • Everything in Nel’Vari now buys and sells in Mana Orbs. (i.e., Seeds).
  • All seeds in Withergate and Nel’vari now have a higher interest rate than Sun Haven seeds to account for intended game pacing. All WG and NV Items have their prices adjusted to make the beginning section of these areas more difficult, but easier later on.
  • Added new settings to improve quality of life.
  • Added polish to hundreds of things.

Sun Haven Patch 1.0 Notes:

Character Customization:

  • Added 22 new hair options (more than doubling the existing options).
  • Added a new Bald option.
  • Added 3 new eye options, including eyes for Elementals.
  • Added 7 new pieces of Elven Customization.
  • Added 12 new pieces of Demon Customization.
  • Added the ability for Angels to select their Halo color for certain Halos (all Halos will receive this in the future).
  • Added 10 new pieces of Angel Customization
  • Added the ability for Amari Cat and Dogs to select their Ear colors (returning players will need to get new ears at the salon).
  • Added 20 new pieces of Amari Dog Customization.
  • Added 28 new pieces of Amari Cat Customization.
  • Added Water Elemental Option!
  • Added a ‘None’ option for many customization options (i.e., wingless Demons and Angels).
  • More Character Customization Coming Soon

Added in the Museum, with 3 sections: The Hall of Gems, The Hall of Culture, and The Aquarium.
Each item completed will be visible on a pedestal, and all fish donated in the Aquarium will show up in the Aquarium fish tanks.
Each bundle completion immediately grants rewards.
Added rewards available at the front desk for every 10 unique items donated to the museum.
Each Section of the Museum has its own curator explaining their respective sections.
Added 4 new Armor sets.
Added 3 new pets.

Fish Tanks
  • Players can now obtain fish tanks, a decoration that display your caught fish.
  • Increased the sell price of most WG and NV craftable items
  • Increased the cost of most furniture and purchasable items
  • Rebalanced consumable items to generally restore more health and mana
  • Increased number of new foods giving Max HP to make beating Dynus slightly easier
  • Rebalanced Seedmakers
  • Increased Cost of Carrot Sword and Egg Crossbow
  • Reduced the number of Bomb Fish Needed for the Fishing Boss
Quality of Life Settings:
  • Added a setting to turn on Invincibility.
  • Added a setting to turn off Seasonal Bosses.
  • Added a setting to turn off Seasonal Pests.
  • Added a setting to turn off Seasonal Crop Effects .
  • Added a setting to turn off Shadows.
  • Added a setting to skip the intro of the game (NOT recommended for new players as you’ll miss important story exposition!).
Other Changes:

Added dozens of miscellaneous SFX.
Fixed various typos, added new additional dialogue to several NPCs and edited existing dialogue.
Added 2 new fertilizers.
Sleeping now recovers more mana and HP.
Updating Scroll Wheel Speed on multiple UI menus.
Updated Hitboxes on certain furniture.


  • Fixed an issue with the Crafting Slime Boss not being completable on old saves
  • Fixed an issue with couch duplication for new saves
  • Improvements to pets falling in water when jumping over platforms
  • Fixed an issue where Tomato Bread was not showing up at the Cooking Pot
  • Fixed an issue causing Fabled Silk and Spooky Silk to not drop properly
  • Fixed an issue causing mannequins to not display their outfits
  • Fixed an issue with some quests not showing their markers above their heads
  • Fixed an issue causing Clive’s wheel to not disappear when it was picked up
  • Fixed an issue with spouse walk paths if players had a Tier 1 or 2 house
  • Fixed an issue causing players to get stuck on a black screen when loading a new game in Multiplayer
Coming Soon:

(list is not final and is very, very subject to change)

  • Nintendo Switch Port
  • More Player Customization
  • More Pets
  • More Race Specific Dialogue
  • Having children with your spouse
  • Farm Buildings (Sheds / Greenhouses)
  • Proximity Animations
  • Minor DLCs
  • Main Story Epilogue

And that’s it! Thanks everyone for coming along with us on this journey to fully release Sun Haven, and thank you for coming along with us as we look to improve the game even further in future patches, coming soon!

Remember join our discord to find a group, ask for game help, or just hang out with the rest of our awesome community!

Good Luck, Have Fun, and we’ll see you in game!

Bruce, Director
Pixel Sprout Studios

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