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Star Valor update for 10 March 2023

Update - 2.0.7 (Updated Mar 12)

Share · View all patches · Build 10743336 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings Commanders!

Sorry for being away for this long. I took a vacation break but now I'm fully back at work!
This update was dedicated to many needed fixes and requested features, as well as a special attention to several crewman from my Patrons.

First, thank you all for buying the game and a special thanks to my supporters (<3):


Ryan Schubert


Zarinthal the Sleepy Dragon
Juan Carlos Rodriguez

Jean-Philippe Martel, BalaCanabis, Gary Scott, kolby varner, Kevin Chote, Gio, ZipTieFun, Quickshadow, Scott Tjhia, Baduz, Severance Bane, Lamergaroth, Maxter1o2, semeku, Nicholas Taylor, Jiri Sluka, Ashven Scarpaw, Adrian Luna, chaussepied quentin

AJ Parker, Latheos, Dave Barreti, Jeremy Sandahl, Libo, Scott Frisius, Hawk, Elkan, SW9876, Boosted, Myoron, Aaron Meek, GamerForLife, Logan Laramay, Matt Sharwarko, NAUTILUS11045, Ryyuka, Michael Krämer, Stuart Bunn, Ujvari Tibor, jin, lochinator, Justin Schultz, Derrick Southerland, Andreas Clemenz, Shinnjin, Evan Light, robert feldbacher, Peter Müller, Scott Woodie, ITEDVO, Nathaniel D, Maik Landgraf, Zachary Johnson, Ryan, Kuba Vildomec

Brian, James Ketola, Martin Nielsen, Kero7, Takuma Shimoyama, Fedaygin, Grendug, Vladrynne, Christopher Boyd, Jeffry Fleischer, Matthew DuPlanty, Thomas Ran, Gary, Josh Worden, Cpt Incorrigble, John Power, Thy Ruos

Thank you!!!

Now, patch notes:
  • The New Game Setup now uses a proper points system to determine your starting perks, ship and crewman. Similar to the old "starting spaceship class" value, perks will add or deduct from your starting points, which needs to be at least 0 before you can start the game. Special crewman costs 2 points and ships cost one point for each Tier above white, plus another one for each size class above shuttle. Example: A Mi'Iaoshu costs 3 points (Tier 4 = 3 points, shuttle = 0 points). Most perks had their points/cost modified or added.
  • Added special crewman: Redfiery, Mira, Maxter, Bancheis, Latheos and Typlo.

  • Added weapon modifier that causes more or less damage based in the distance to the target (name pending).
  • Added 'auto targeting' modifier to missiles, available when crafting. Pulson missile launcher and Peacemaker received this modifier.
  • Added Drone modifiers which can be found as crew (tactician) bonuses, ship enhancements and perks. Current modifiers are: damage, speed, hull points, auto targeting, drone parts dropping when destroyed and AOE explosion when destroyed.
  • Drone tooltip now shows its stats modified by the current ship bonuses.

  • Added equipment: Drone Enhancer: Detonator, Drone Enhancer: Targeting and Drone Enhancer: Utility.

  • Trade Goods now always stack and no longer save the station where it was bought. The price paid is averaged when stacks merge, with the base price being used in case the item wasn't purchased. Market prices no longer change according to stock. This is in preparation for the Economy Update, coming in version 2.1.0, where prices will be determined by the distance to distribution centers (factories, etc).
  • AI ships in repair mode now also use drones to repair allies.
  • Improved Steam Authentication process when starting the game.
  • Increased chance to gain a gear charge to 20% from 15% with Scavenger's Wit (Ranger ship bonus).
  • A few sound effects were tuned down or changed to be more subtle.
  • Fleet ships now try to respect the distance value set in the fleet panel when chasing enemies or repairing friendlies. When they get too far from your ship, they will head back without acquiring new targets on the way, then revert to normal mode when near the player.
  • AI ships no longer play a beep sound when using activated equipment (drones, auto-repair, refineries, etc).
  • Fixed gunners aiming with timed fused weapons.
  • Fixed BUG that instantiated multiple drone objects in the background, possibly causing issues.
  • Fixed explosions pushing drones away.
  • Fixed CoT ships built-in Terran Mantle showing energy storage bonus.
  • Fixed Fleet ships in repair mode not repairing other fleet members.
  • Fixed permadeath save files being deleted when not intended.


Follow up fixes (2.0.7a):
  • Gunners will now try to focus on your target when you use 'Order Fire' action (default: F)
  • Fixed BUG when depositing equipment in stations.
  • Fixed BUG that caused your PD weapons to hit your own missiles.
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