Hello drug denizens, ever since launch our code chemists have been hard at work in the lab, cooking up solutions to address your most common issues. This first patch is coming at you with a slew of AI improvements. Those with larger save files, in particular, are going to find increased performance and stability, and your factory slaves workers will now follow orders more consistently!
Next up: We will be continuing on with optimization and AI improvements as we work through our list of top community issues! Please report anything you find here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1036240/discussions/0/3767858179326602063/
Here's what we're addressing this patch;
- An issue with Meth workers not boxing meth.
- An issue where interacting with employees while the game was auto saving lead to corrupted saves.
- An issue that caused manual saves to take an excessive time and then become corrupt.
- Employees refusing to come to work and staying at home.
- Delivery vehicles becoming stuck in the middle of the road and being unable to return them to the garage.
On-going Fixes
- Lowered the chance of employees queueing for appliances and then not using them.
- Lowered the chance of employees and customers not using cash registers.
As a reminder: Here is how to backup your save:
Go to;
and saving the BYTES file in a folder
We'll continue dealing out fixes as we work our way through to 1.0!
Thank you all for your support! Meth is on it's way!
Changed files in this update