I've added a new starting area and tutorial to Skullborn!
- You will now spawn at the Elder Tree which has been corrupted and if surrounded by thorns
- You must remove the corruption by completing a dungeon it the roots of the tree
- In order to defeat the dangers inside you will need to gather materials, craft, and become stronger
- Once you complete the dungeon the thorns surrounding the tree will become a vine wall
- You may freely build within this vine wall without having to worry about other players messing with your stuff or enemies
- When you are exploring you will be able to see the Elder Tree from very far away to help navigate and find better materials
Other changes:
- Added block counter to building and crafting mode
- Dungeon doors now have a floating door icon to make them less hidden (as well as all other interactable objects)
- Can move camera while transitioning perspectives
- After placing an item (like a crafting table) you will switch back to weapon mode
- Bird poof sound
- Entity health bar animates faster when losing more health
- Dungeon Complete music
- Dungeon builder can change dungeon darkness and add a colored tint
- Dungeon builder can change blocks in palette
- several UI tweaks
- Camera is centered properly when crafting
- Fixed bug where camera would flip after crafting
- Fixed bug that prevented saving and loading dungeons
- Fixed bug with rotating doors in dungeons
- Fixed setting resolution
- Fixed bug where music box didn't stop game soundtrack
- Fixed material on music disks
Changed files in this update