This update adds the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior to the flyable helicopter list.
It is a light scout helicopter where its main strength lies in its mast mounted site which will allow you to remain totally undetected when scouting out areas.
The Kiowa is not a particularly fast helicopter (roughly 130kts flat out unloaded) and it does not have a very big load capacity (around 1,000kg depending on fuel levels) which can make it a bit of a tricky helicopter to master.
At the moment it costs 35 DP which may need rebalancing. I have also rebalanced the Gazelle's DP points slightly.
It also uses the Gazelle's sound effects at the moment. I'll try and get some custom effects released in the next day or two.
Other fixes...
UAV Drone has had its altitude increased so it won't fly into the high Norway mountains!
Hellfire missile will now perform top down attacks correctly even if launched at high altitude.
I also didn't have time to complete water interaction - this will be a priority for next week as I'd like to get the Norway terrain in to the general release branch ASAP.
Changed depots in norwayterrain branch