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Zedfest update for 10 March 2023

0.95 EA-Update

Share · View all patches · Build 10741399 · Last edited 10 March 2023 – 18:06:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Fellow Zedhunters! Version 0.95 is out with some changes, fixes and freshly added stuff!


  • The Doctor Perk "Overly attached doctor!" has been fixed and is now working correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where you would still receive the green splash effect on the screen from Acid Puke Masters poison even though you had the invincible buff.
  • Fixed a tiny animation hiccup for melee weapons that would happen when spamming the attack button between the last "poke" animation and back to a normal swing.


  • Several animation changes/refinements has been made.
  • The phase mechanics for the boss Glitchface has been changed, it now spawns "mini Glitchfaces" in the first phase, requiring the players to eliminate them before they reach their mother, Glitchface.
  • Bosses can no longer be punched away by the player.
  • Zed-Colas now increases your health by 20% instead of 25%.
  • Torpedo's perk "How high can you go?" has been removed. Double jump is now a permanent perk of the Torpedo class. Instead, there's a new perk to select called "Reduced explosiveness!", which will reduce incoming explosive damage by 50%.
  • Torpedo's perk "Sneaky Bastard" has been changed, from increasing the grenade slot by 2 to 4. Making you have 8 grenades in your inventory when selected. It will now also regenerate 1 grenade every 20 seconds. The name is also changed to "Grenade Regeneration?".
  • The lvl 15 Doctor Perk "How much ₹ u got?" has been changed. The name is now "No time to die", with the description, "Prevent death by absorbing overkill damage for 5 sec, or until healed at least 30 HP. Failing to heal in time will result in death."
  • New appearance, animations and name for the Zed Gordon the Chef. The new name is "Class 4 Saber Droid". The Zed is now wielding a sword, swinging through everything in front of it!. They got a large health pool but are extremely vulnerable to explosive damage.


  • Added class Prestige color for the smoke line sitting right between the Health bar and Armor bar (HUD).
  • Added Zed spawn/removal vfx. Instead of the Zeds just getting removed instantly, they will slowly fade away when dead.
  • New weapon for the Torpedo class, the "Iron Pumper v.1.0". A heavy duty Pump action Shotgun. 5 pellets per shot with a very narrow spread. Warning: "Extremely powerful weapon, Zeds might fly to the moon when getting hit".
  • New weapon for the Bonebreaker class, the "Strixx-9". Silent, but deadly! Low damage per shot, but a very juicy rate of fire and a generous clip size makes this weapon perfect for eliminating Zeds!. This weapon replaces the Tri Barrel Bloodshed Gun.
  • Added Grenade for the Torpedo class, the "Stun Grenade". This fabulous grenade will stun nearby Zeds upon explosion.
  • Current traps deployed is now visible on HUD.
  • Added new icons for several weapons and grenades.

And several tiny fixes, changes and behind the scene stuff!
Next update will include a new boss, new seasonal challenges, a new Traps n' goodie and much more!

Have a good one fellow Zedhunters!

Windows Zed Fest Main Depot 1037081
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