Hello again Sea Mayors
It’s Friday, the weekend is coming, and we’re ready with a new update for Aquatico! This time, if you’re planning some nice weekend virtual chill , we’ve got just the thing for you!
An entirely new biome has been completed, with an appropriate map to showcase it. It’s relatively shallow, far to the north, and cold as Arctic should be. Low temperatures will require more heating resources, and this biome is generally somewhat more challenging. But we’re certain it’s nothing you can’t handle!
Besides that, this update brings several QoL details you asked for, some improvements to expeditions, derelicts and information hints, and last but not least – another batch of optimizations that will increase performance especially in later stages of the game.
Atlantis Project system and entire content linked to that is still in preparation, but it is coming along nicely and should be ready for the public pretty soon.
- ADDED: New crystal ice biome with entirely new map
- ADDED: Map selection menu at game start now contains visual representation of exact biome setting
- ADDED: Several new types of derelicts to scavenge
- IMPROVED: Pipelines are now drawn much faster and require less processor power, thus increasing performance, especially in later game stages where pipelines are very extensive
- IMPROVED: Hint information when upgrading buildings now displays more precise information
- IMPROVED: When you delete many pipeline sections at the same time, game won’t be slowed down unexpectedly
- FIXED: Derelicts cannot be selected if in dome view
- FIXED: When researching applicable tech, Gatherers place now receives appropriate bonus on collected resources
- FIXED: People assigned to expeditions will not cause buildings to suspend construction, if they were carrying construction materials before assigned to expedition
Hope you'll like it! Feel free to let us know your thoughts, on either Steam or our happy Discord channel:
Best of luck and don’t freeze!
Changed files in this update