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BURNER update for 10 March 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 10741110 · Last edited 10 March 2023 – 16:52:25 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

8 new end of game death cut scenes
-Frog Death
-SpikeTrap death
-Burned up
-coconut fell on your head and you died
-died of mysterious causes
-crashed the whip <----------------------------------------BestOne
-killed yourself with your own rocket
There is a total of 22 different ways to die in this game,
each one having their own final cut scene.


New PickYourPath, Level Type option. (in options)
PickPath - pick the direction of the next level. (north,east,south,west)(default)
AutoPath - Next path is picked automaticaly in a random direction

-use the compass found on the HUD to know what direction you are facing
-press (select)gamepad or [end]keyboard to open over head direction map
-this option can only be set before starting the game

ice level
-neon level
-downtown level

v2.3 (jan13 2023)

  • new sniper rifle if camera is offset, you will always zoom into the direction the player is facing
  • new flame thrower
  • new sledge hammer (smashes blocks)
    All 3 new items are bought in the store.
  • the store appears after each level
  • the store does not use real money
  • cash is found in the game world or awarded as bonuses

v2.2 (dec30 2022)

  • intro story added to endless game mode

v2.1 (dec23 2022)

  • scenery grass
  • new melee item's: pipe, baseball bat, brick, brass knuckles.
    melee items apear randomly in the game world and double your punching power
    press punch to pick up
    press punch to use
    press punch + run to throw melee item (punch attack must be selected)

v2.07 (dec05 2022)
-NEW enemy "fighter"
-natural player movement during 360 degree camera level start intro's

v2.05 (nov19 2022)
-new map that shows distance and direction traveled
-each level in this game branches off into one of four directions (east,west,north,south)
added a new overhead map that shows the distance and direction traveled
-open map (select)gamepad, [end]keyboard
-first person mode button changed to (r3)gamepad, [Keypad 0]keyboard
-map is displayed at the end of each game showing the final route taken.
-changes to race level, race level now branches off into 4 different directions.
-start level now branches off into 4 different directions.

v2.02 (nov11 2022)
-changes to day/night cycle
-changes to dark level
-changes to beach level
-rumble option ( in options/control's )

v2.01 (OCT25 2022)
-smooth block transfer

v2.0 (oct18 2022)
-new block builder gun
converts power into blocks
hold trigger to spawn block
up/down to move spawn location
release trigger to place block

v1.999(oct 11 2022)
-new rocket launcher weapon

v1.99(sep 28 2022)
-new mountain level

v1.98(sep 21 2022)
-you can now beat up the cars in city level
-improved start menu, and options page

v1.95(aug28 2022)
-rotate camera in car
-shoot/change weapons and attacks in car
-race level improvements
-new sounds
-save for options settings

v1.9 (aug22 2022)
-new beta version race level
-new music
-new option for music and sound adjustment

v1.81 (aug17 2022)
-improvments to MOB level
-new volume adjustment option

v1.8 (aug16 2022)
-new frog enemy
-select button "fpsmode" now zoom back out when pressed a second time
-new MOB level (a flat bridge that spawns MOB's on either end when you reach the center)

v1.78 (aug11 2022)
-new city level
-new screenshot's added to store page

v1.75 (aug6 2022)
-new shark enemy for beach level
-added player(in water) physics
-enter water splash effect
-new SharkDeath endgame death animation scene
-level type description, during level start
-new option, select level type, play random levels or play specific level only

v1.7 (aug2 2022)
-new random beach level
-new field of view adjust in options

v1.6 (july20 2022)
new transitioning camera rotations for default fixed camera

v1.59 (july18 2022)
-new random fire level
-HUD improvements

v1.58 (july12 2022)
-new intro scene for game start and level start
-new timeout rotating camera

v1.55 (july10 2022)
new attack -Kick (Leftstick-Up to change attacks)
new attack -Spinkick (In store catalog at the bottom $1000)
new weapon -Uzi (In store display case $1000)
weapon select hud menu (change weapons) pistol - uzi - shotgun
current total of five different attacks and 3 weapons

v1.5 (july6 2022)
-timebomb explosion area is smaller but now deals -10 damage xlevel
-new object interactions and physics related to timebomb explosion
-4 level run gamemode
-10 level run gamemode
-boss attack gamemode
-circlething in options
-random rain level
-random dark level
-sun attack (buy in store catalog for $1000 each)
-follow camera store item (buy in store catalog for $1000)
[ camera will automatically follow 360 degree behind character ]
-no cost spread (buy in store catalog for $1000)
-attack select hud meneu
-count days on hud
-spike pits
-improved wall collision

v1.1 (????? 2022)
-circlething in options
-random rain level
-random dark level
-sun attack (buy in store catalog for $1000 each)
-follow camera store item (buy in store catalog for $1000)

  • camera will automatically follow 360 degree behind character *
    -no cost spread (buy in store catalog for $1000)
    -attack select hud menu (change attacks)
    -count days on hud
    -spike pits
    -improved wall collision
    -10 level run gamemode
    -new game launcher with openGL 2 or OpenGL 3 option
  • Loading history…
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