This was supposed to hit on 13/03, but I decided that weekly updates should come on Friday instead o Monday, so here it is.
As always, Weekly updates focus on polish, performance, balance, and quality of life.
Changes with ⬡ icon were suggested by the community.
Quality of Life
- ⬡ Spacebar now deselects tiles
- ⬡ Growth, autoshields, and clone factory can be toggled on and off
- ⬡ Multiple damage numbers of the same value and target are now stacked. ie: 3 hits of 10 damage are now shown as "10x3"
⬡ Projectiles Stacking
Crazy-high attack speed should no longer lag the game
Enemy Heatmap
Hitbox count should no longer lag the game
Changed Screen Filter
Any object which is outside of the screen is now hidden
Should reduce draw times significantly
This already used to be the case for some objects, but it is now applied to everything.
Balance Changes
⬡ Extra Equipment slots
Added 3 equipment slots to the equipment tab
Only building upgrades can be equipped on these ones
Changed Difficulty
Mission difficulty no longer scales how much enemies level up over time instead of simply giving them some additional initial levels
Slow Cap
Enemies can no longer get slowed past 10% of their original movement speed
Buildings cost
Empty buildings no longer increase building costs
Cannons and shields always increase building costs, with an organic base or not
Clone factory nerfed
Times for every upgrade generation were doubled
Some changes were made to its tooltip to make clear how it works
Snowballs no longer regen
The health regen in addition to the growth was certainly too much
Bug Fixes
- Resource gain no longer increases costs
- Resources no longer go into the negative
- Equipment that doesn't fit their currently equipped slots is now automatically unequipped
- Tooltip animation is no longer framerate dependant
- Fixed locational sounds being placed wrong
- Fixed being able to get multiple upgrades by spam-clicking
Changed files in this update