New visuals & improvements
We’ve completed a round of optimizations including balance changes, adding also some new content. The Mystery Artist verbs have a fresh new look, and working on any odd-job now shows a new unique work-specific image in the background.
Our full version launch has so far been humble, while earning one fine 8/10 review from Softpedia. If you have enjoyed Artist Life Sim and want to support our work, please consider also sharing your own feedback to be read by others!
New Content
- Added 15 unique new background images for various Job Opportunities
- Added some new events across various locations & activities
- New visuals for mystery artist actions
- New visuals for The Good Listener skill
- Added “final number of paintings” to certain endings
Misc & Fixes
- The game is now more clear about why some actions can't be done (in card hover info and in before action panel)
- Changed unwanted condition hovertext instructions for removing them
- A lot of refactoring behind the scenes to make the game more stable and easier to support in the long run. It has already fixed some rare and infrequent bugs
- Fixed texts that said the painting is incomplete when it was complete
- Fixed effects that give multiple cards of the same type (eg "get 3 feelings" used to give one feeling that was leveled up 2 times)
- Fixed some paintings getting finished as white blanks
- Fixed paintings getting the same illustration as the player already has
- Non-painted paintings now usually won't be portraits
- Fixed some ending texts
Changed files in this update