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Craftopia update for 10 March 2023

Development Status Report on Craftopia's Seamless World Update for March

Share · View all patches · Build 10737087 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Thank you for playing Craftopia. This is the development status report on Craftopia's Seamless World Update!

▼ Current Development Status
• Improvements on Vehicles

We've added "Vehicle Inventory" which you all have been waiting for!

Some vehicles like Motorcycle will have their inventory (in other words: storage space!), you can store excess items while exploring around!

If the vehicle gets destroyed while items are stored in it, a leather bag which contains the stored items will be dropped. So you can keep driving at wild speed!

• Small Biomes Discovered

Redesigning and combining processes of isolated biomes resulted in discovery of small biomes which are different from large ones such as Snowy Mountain, or Volcanic Mountain.

You will find biome-specific materials and mutated goblins that adapted to its environment around new biomes.

• Adding Pet Skills

Your adorable pets will do some more for you in Seamless Map Update!

We've developed various Pet Skills such as Attacking Enemies, Buffing Allies, or Restoring Life.
These skills can be exchanged with one another to customize your pets. This will allow you to have Mono of different styles that meet your play styles and preferences: Mono that hunts mobs to grind, or Mono that is specialized in restoring your life.

Your pets can learn Pet Skills if they meet some requirements. You can even train their skills to increase its level to have better effects!

Pets are currently doing warm-up and waiting for their debuts in Seamless Map Update! Stay tuned!

We'll keep you updated by posting the development status report; please stay tuned!

Thank you for your continued support!

Craftopia Development Team

Changed depots in private_net branch

View more data in app history for build 10737087
Windows 64-bit Craftopia Windows64 Depot 1307551
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