- Added copy of palette addresses to be used for reversion after colour cycling
- [CURRENTLY DISABLED] Access to final stage is now accessible from the level selection screen when all powers are acquired
- Difficulty options on title screen now flash while selected
- [CURRENTLY DISABLED] Added extra sprite for display on final boss pickup popup
- [CURRENTLY DISABLED] Started adding shadow stage content
- Adjusted horizontal alignment of '?' glyph
- Developer mode now activates only on [redacted]
- Developer mode usage is now tracked in the save file rather than play session
- Developer mode usage is now technically possible on non-PC platforms
- Fixed an issue where colour cycling and flipping would not halt when a new scene is loaded
- Updated the graphics used for the level select scene
- [CURRENTLY DISABLED] Replaced final pickup power with actual art
- Purging saved data now returns to the title screen, instead of the level select scene
- Adjusted respawn marker transform offset and sprite to fix PoT fraction alignment in editor
- Fixed a single missing spike collision box in ice stage
- Fixed an issue where dive sweep enemies could not be frozen
- Fixed an issue where dive sweep enemies could persist after death
Changed files in this update