Hey, long-haul truckers! The time has finally come and we cautiously are releasing Haulin' Oats into Early Access on Steam. So far we've had great feedback and bug reports from the community; thank you so much to all who have chipped in thus far. Hopefully the wider net of the general public will go the same way.
If you are curious about purchasing the game in the Early Access state, we highly suggest you check out our Known Issues thread before hitting that buy button. This game is still a work-in-progress and it has some quirks yet.
That being said, most of everything is in the game now: singleplayer, multiplayer, horn honking, all cards, all the music, and more. We have a healthy list of features to add yet and those will be rapidly built then shipped along with bug patches.
We hope folks new to the game will make some more great suggestions to improve the game!
For those with the hunger and curiosity, here is the change-log:
- Added: camera shake on ramming, wrecks, and other related things
- Added: piece movement to options so players can set it
- Added: Gameplay section to Options to toggle various game features
- Added: pressing player's HUD space icon moves camera to their current position
- Added: delivered icon to status after delivering oats, removed when back at warehouse
- Added: player hands on board rearranged based on local player's position
- Added: full player's hand is shown when clicking board cards or avatar icons
- Added: game saves stats when quitting from pause menu
- Added: confirmation for save delete and achievement reset
- Added: more gameplay options to pause menu
- Added: each player has their own honk, for later customization
- Fixed: bug with player position swap in Incident card 30
- Fixed: horn honking not showing for right player who honked
- Fixed: incorrect save message during game summary in single-player
- Fixed: issue where game crashes when no player is assigned camera focus
- Fixed: API not saving data for leaderboards
- Fixed: target selection still sometimes shows a player twice
- Fixed: weird bug where dice stayed in cup
More bug fixes and new features coming very soon! Please report any bugs you find or suggestions you have here!
Changed files in this update