Many new fixs
[FEAT] Add more sample to tick method.
[FIX] Client scene was not unloaded correctly on playtest.
[CLEAN] debug log.
[CLEAN] fix a lot of "cannot complete because server is not active" warning.
[FIX] UI Looting container, OnLeft/RightClick call multiple times (Action stacked each time we init the window)
[REFACTO] Change InspectingObjData : now have ref of Nob
[CLEAN] Remove Logs on PlayerContainerManager
[CLEAN] Remove ChangeRebuildObsMode command
[IMPORT] Tailor WorkBench and Mithril Texture : Importation of the model and texture of the grade 1 and 2 different texture for mithril
[FIX] PlaceableItemController : Make sure akAmbient & AkGameObj is not null before destroying them
[CLEAN] Goblin : Remove AkAmbient & AkGameObj on Goblin Prefab
[CLEAN] Prefab Torch : Remove AKAmbient & AkGameObj on Prefab Torch
[PERF] PlaceableItemController : Destroy AkGameObj component in children along the AkAmbient
[FEAT] [PERF] Create a ServerAKGameObjectCleanController to attach to a gameObject that is made to play sound on client to not play them on server
[PERF] BiomeSoundManager : Server don't listen event to play sound
[CLEAN] JumpSoundManager : Delete some unused method & comments
[FIX] PlaceableRespawnController : get rid of dupplicate list respawn in area sorting
[FIX] HarvestableManager : make sure the harvestable manager has harvestables if not destroy it to avoid index out of range when attempting to access to a harvestable in the list
[REFACTO] Pickup : Send pickup object id in the PickUpCompleted event to be able to test which pick up was picked
[PERF] LookAtCameraManager : Logic only on client and get camera only once on start
Reign Of Dwarf Playtest update for 9 March 2023
Playtest Daily update
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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