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Endless ATC update for 9 March 2023

Update V5.3: New features, UI improvements and more realistic turns

Share · View all patches · Build 10732595 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Changelog for version 5.3 of Endless ATC:

New features:
  • New Speed menu, where you can increase the simulation speed in steps of 0.5x all the way up to 10x. In this menu, press the Smooth button to switch to a higher 'physics rate' for smoother plane movements. This is mainly intended to reduce choppiness when playing at speeds higher than 1x, but it can also be used at 1x. The default setting 'smooth off' is good enough regardless of the speed setting, but 'smooth on' makes it simply look nicer.
    And to try something different, you can press the Auto button to make the game automatically switch between 1x speed (when interacting with planes) and a higher speed (when idle). This auto-speed mode can be convenient to speed up the gameplay when there's not much traffic to handle, for example at the beginning of a new game or at the end of a scenario.
  • A new Runways menu allows you to more easily set the runway configuration. And when custom traffic is enabled, you can also increase (or decrease) the number of active runways, by changing the new 'Custom score' setting. In Normal traffic mode, the number of runways is still determined by the 'score', as in earlier versions).
  • When pressing the Delay or Sweep buttons, a new menu opens where you can more easily change the radar sweep and pilot delay settings. In this menu you'll also find an Events toggle button. This Events setting determines the likelihood of random events (like incidents, returning planes, go-arounds). It can be set to low, high or off. In earlier versions, it was always set to 'low' under the hood. Now, you can increase it (for if you like more variety, or want to test your problem-solving ability) by setting Events to 'high'. Or set it to 'off', for example if you're trying to improve your high score and can't use any additional chaos.
  • The control bar now automatically switches its position to the bottom of the screen when the window is resized to portrait dimensions. This keeps the radar screen as 'square' as possible, which is especially useful for small window sizes. To manually lock the control bar to the bottom of the screen (regardless of the window size), long-press the Bar button in the Display menu. In earlier versions, the control bar could only be set at the side (either left or right) of the screen.
  • Planes now turn more realistically. Expect the radius of a turn of a fast-flying plane to be larger than in earlier versions. This is because planes now bank left/right no more than 30 degrees, which in turn limits the maximum turn rate in comparison to earlier versions. Before, the turn rate was constant (about 3 degrees per second), meaning turns at 200+ knots would require bank angles of over 30 degrees (and high g-forces), which is uncomfortable for the people onboard. So to improve realism, planes now roll to a maximum of 25 to 30 degrees, and therefore speed has a bigger impact on the turn radius.
Small adjustments and improvements:
  • Pan/zoom stays the same when resizing/going fullscreen/pausing.
  • Lock setting in the Display menu saves the pan/zoom setting for the current airport.
  • When holding down the menu button (for 20x speed) the menu doesn't open anymore; the menu opens only when short-pressing the menu button.
  • Clicking on the yellow text at the top of the screen hides any notification message, and clicking the blue text hides all non-aircraft related messages.
  • Starting a new game in the Traffic menu now requires a doubleclick; this is to avoid accidental resets when browsing the menus.
  • Scrollwheel zooming is more smooth.
  • Added a small chance of random clouds appearing if the wind option is enabled.
  • Curved heading line is now the default option. Long-press the Line button in the Display menu to toggle this setting.
Changes regarding custom airports:
  • Earlier speed reduction by the pilot for planes on the localizer, to avoid go-arounds due to overspeed in case the final approach speed of the planetype is set very low.
  • Added 'rollangle' and 'rollrate' properties to planetypes, which determines the plane's turn radius when flying at high speeds (200+ KT), as described above.

You can add custom airports to the game by putting txt files into the locations folder. More info here. More than a hundred custom airports (many of which even include SID/STAR routes!), have been shared by the community.

Thanks for the suggestions. ːsteamthumbsupː Enjoy the update! ːsteamhappyː

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