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Salt 2 update for 10 March 2023

Update: Underwater Caves and New Guild

Share · View all patches · Build 10732309 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

What's New

Out latest update is now live! This update includes the long awaited underwater content, a new guild known as The Sea Diver's Guild, buried treasure, new weapons and armor, balancing changes, and bug fixes. You'll now be able to discover entire caves and dungeons completely underwater. You'll also be able to swim underwater near islands to look for pearls and perhaps even a sunken chest.

What's Coming

The main focus for the next update are combat skill trees. This means you'll be able to put points in skill trees like slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, and archery. In the next update we'll also be including more things for you to discover at sea such as merchant ships and outposts.

Patch Notes

  • Added a "sunken" island type that can sometimes spawn in place of other islands. These are very small bits of land indicating where you can find an underwater cave.
  • Added diving mechanic, allowing you to swim underwater to a certain depth.
  • Added underwater caves, ruins, and other dungeon types.
  • Added new Sea Diver's Guild and quests.
  • Added buried treasure on some islands that you can dig up with a shovel.
  • Adjusted some island spawn chances. This will change the types of some islands in the world compared to what they were previously.
  • Skeletons are now resistant to piercing and slashing damage, but weak to bludgeoning.
  • Added a few more map stamp options.
  • You can now find and mine sandstone on desert islands.
  • Increased the drop rate of oil.
  • Reduced the resource requirements of some crafting commission quests.
  • Lowered the vendor cost of some epic and rare weapons and recipes.
  • The Sea Scholar Merchant and Marauder Guild Merchant now sell a Raider's Chest. These chests are guaranteed to drop a random piece of gear at your world tier.
  • Fixed pirate battlemaster berserker death model not matching live model.
  • Fixed an issue with the Trade Secrets quest having the wrong quest text.
  • Fixed one of the points of interest on Redwood Islands still having the old tree model.
  • Fixed an issue where the grave mound in the Hunt for the Heirloom Quest could sometimes not spawn.
  • Added a parchment outside of the Sea Scholar's Guild indicating where to find a recruiter.
  • Fixed an issue where pirates would sometimes kill an NPC you needed to talk to for a quest before you could talk to him.
  • Updated map tutorial to mention adding stamps to islands.
  • Fixed some out of bounds areas in caves.
  • Fixed some areas of caves where you could get stuck.
  • Fixed some visual issues in caves.
  • Fixed an issue where you could get locked out of the residence room in the Sea Scholars Guild and not be able to continue the quest line.
  • Fixed an area of a shipwreck where you could get stuck behind a table.
  • Fixed an issue where grass would sometimes appear in some shacks at pirate camps.
  • The guide that gives you a quest to find Mr. Bones Tavern will no longer spawn if you've already found Mr. Bones.
  • Fixed a bug with the Undercover Quest not removing the weapon shipments supply chest on delivery.
  • Fixed some typos.
  • Fixed the guide NPC telling you some slightly misleading information.
  • Fixed raw pearls not showing up in the appropriate inventory section.
  • Reduced the chance for ships to get stuck on nearby geometry when deploying them.
  • Added confirmation before selling quest and ship items.
  • Can no longer sell ships with placed decorations.
  • Fixed seaweed spawning inside points of interests rarely.
  • Added some more foliage in shallow waters.
  • Made it less likely for arrows to pass through enemies.
  • The mark island button on the map now marks the island where your last known position marker is, rather than where you are.
  • Fixed flame texture on candles wrapping.
  • Made placing ship decorations on railings or other edges a little less finicky.
  • Loading history…
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