Welcome wretched Boneraisers old and newcomers. :]
The game is now fully released and comes with it a brand new game mode called the Castle Conquest that's longer and harder than anything gone before. Not content with pounding King Gigald over and over, you can now embark on a journey across the various maps of the Fractured Lands to conquer the Palace of a new foe, Queen Gigalicious!
The game mode has some new features, such as saving between maps in case you fancy a break, choosing a path through the maps to maximise your bones or score depending on your goal. And some new sights along the way including the Queen herself who is the biggest challenge yet.
Just want to give a huge thanks for the response to this silly little game of boneraising. Never expected it, and the feedback has been instrumental in shaping the game it is now. The Conquest game mode was the last big feature planned for the game, but I'm sure there will be more Mischievous Mondays in the future. Probably not anything too mind-blowing, but there's still some ideas rattling around. For now I'd like to focus a bit on improving the current features, maybe the odd new class and map, and perhaps have a little rest in the crypt. I'll post in advance on my twitter if a content update is coming so might want to keep an eye on that, and of course will be patching as needed.
Thanks again, and do give the Queen a right good proper pounding from me (respectfully!) :]
Changed files in this update