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Masterplan Tycoon update for 9 March 2023

Masterplan Tycoon is OUT NOW!

Share · View all patches · Build 10729289 · Last edited 9 March 2023 – 14:06:23 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear builders,

The ultimate resource management game is now available on Steam

Become a builder, whose decisions and vision impact the key role in growing the settlement and its production chains.

You can grab your copy of the game with a sweet -10% OFF here:

What will you find in the Full Release

  • Updated interface for smoother gameplay
  • New missions with exciting objectives
  • New region with brand new nodes and unique tasks
  • Full research system for ultimate production-growing
  • Completely new mechanic featuring boats and water links
❤️Builders, a warm thanks from the production team❤️

Dear devoted gamers,

We are deeply grateful for the unwavering support and encouragement that you have extended to us during the development of Masterplan Tycoon. Your boundless enthusiasm, unbridled creativity, and unflagging passion have been a powerful driving force behind this project, and we cannot thank you enough for your steadfast loyalty.

Your valuable feedback and insightful suggestions have played an indispensable role in shaping this game into the unparalleled masterpiece that it has become. We firmly believe that your contributions have transformed Masterplan Tycoon into a truly distinctive and captivating experience that is beyond compare.

It has been an incredible honor for us to collaborate with such a phenomenal community of gamers, and we fervently hope that this game will provide you with countless hours of unparalleled enjoyment and entertainment. Once again, we express our deepest gratitude for your support, and we eagerly anticipate witnessing the awe-inspiring things that you will achieve with Masterplan Tycoon.


Masterplan Tycoon is the game where your creativity and logistics skills are put to the test! In this minimalistic simulation you will build interconnected chains of products and open new missions by completing various tasks to create the biggest system you can.

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