With this update we released a much more stable version of the game, with a lot of fixes and scenery optimizations.
- Fix, survive waves mode freezes once the mission is over
- Florins won cannot exceed the max unlockable items cost
- Fix, now party banners overlap correctly
- Fix, Demon, was too slow in battle
- Sceneries, optimizations and small fixes
- Sceneries, enabled instancing for many materials
- Sceneries, small changes to Woodcutter and Mine
- Darker shadows for main light in sceneries
- Tutorial, new steps, changed some texts
- Tutorial, fixed camera glitch when pointing a city
And a personal note: last year I was so lucky working almost full-time on this project. It was a fantastic year and I was able to make huge progresses on the game. This year things have changed and I had to start a new job as a freelancer. This is why updates and new content will come at a slower pace.
Anyway, the project won't stop and will always keep it's special place in my heart!
Enjoy your time!
Changed files in this update