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RPG Developer Bakin update for 9 March 2023

[Update] Ver.

Share · View all patches · Build 10727528 · Last edited 9 March 2023 – 11:52:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Ver., which fixes the problems identified in the recently released Ver., is now available.

The contents include the following functional improvement and bug fixes.

--- Improved Feature ---
  • When using "Copy Battle-Related Scripts to Game File", the reference path in csproj has been improved to be rewritten automatically.
    We recommend Visual Studio (Community version is acceptable) installed with C# development capability as the environment for creating plug-ins.
--- Bug Fixes ---
  • Fixed a bug in which it was possible to copy and delete battle plug-ins even in projects opened from the Game Gallery.
    If it has already been executed, it can be restored by running "Verify integrity of software files" from the Steam Client's Library > Bakin page Properties > Local Files.

  • Fixed a bug in Ver. where the "Ignore Elevation" option in the "Make Event Walk" event panel was not working.

  • Fixed a bug in Ver. that caused speech bubbles to be displayed at incorrect coordinates when speech bubble-type message/conversation panels were used consecutively.

  • Fixed a bug in Ver. that caused a crash when loading particles containing relative paths to upper directories.
    Currently, we ask that you work with the .efk file and the textures and other resources it references on the same directory. We are considering an improvement regarding this issue.

--- Note ---

After this version update, if you perform test play on a project that has a battle plug-in copied as of Ver., you will receive a warning about the version.
However, there are no changes to the battle process in this upgrade, so the warning will not be a problem in terms of play.
If you do not want the warning, you can replace // @@version with in the first line of battlescript\BattlePluginDef.cs.
(Overwrite copying of the battle plug-in can also solve this problem, but you will lose any changes you have made to the battle plug-in.)

We will continue to improve "RPG Developer Bakin".

RPG Developer Bakin Depot 1036641
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