With the Version 0.5.3 we have fixed several bugs and added a new minimap type.
Different MiniMap Types
Rotating Type:
TopDown Type:
Bug Fixes & Improvements
- Settings screen size & refresh rate text are now displayed correctly
- Minimap had sometimes colors on the road. This issue is now fixed.
- Team Invites are now able to be accepted
- Team Promote, Demote, Kick & Leave is now working correctly
- Race Invitation Popup is now properly showing up
- The Car of a player is now removed from the Race when leaving the Game or returning to the Paddock
- The Create Race Menu showed every other player in the Paddock as "Player01". This issue is now fixed and shows the correct player name
- server stability is now a bit better
- laps selection was changed from 1,3,6,12,15,20,25,30 -> 1,3,10,15,20,25,30
- laps selection dropdown menu has now an increased height so the scrollbar is invisible for people who often plays on higher amount of laps
- Race Arena preperations in the Paddock an in the Backend
Next Major Update
The next major Update will add a new Race Arena. Some parts of it can be already seen in the Paddock but are disabled until it is fully completed. More on that in a seperate Information Post.
Changed files in this update