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Swords and Sandals Immortals update for 9 March 2023

V0.9.9.A - The Final Patch before the big launch tomorrow

Share · View all patches · Build 10724335 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:58:29 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This is it, gladiators! I didn't plan it like this, but we're at 0.9.9 right before launch... which is good as I was running out of version numbers.

Technically its March 9 here in Australia, but I'm going to either launch the full game late tonight ( in 10 hours from now ) or tomorrow morning ( still March 9 somewhere in the world ) - possibly tomorrow morning just so I'm fully awake and able to answer support questions and so on. We'll see!

This is a patch just based on your feedback on game balancing and so on. When I say 'final patch' , no doubt I'll sneak another minor one up later today haha.

Just wanted to say a final big thank you to everyone for your feedback and support getting this game right up to the finish line, you've made the game infinitely better.

Cheers Oli

Patch Notes V 0.9.9.A (Mar 09 2023)

• Command is now a Tier One skill with a 2 turn cooldown and low essence cost. This is to combat the ranged strategy of constantly leaping back and hitting you with a bow in multiplayer, which at low levels is nigh impossible to defeat with a melee build.
• Defence stat now reduces hit chance by 1.0 per point. Attack increases hit chance by 0.9
• Taunt,burp, fartacus, gaseous wind's damage has been reduced but are now treated as sonic attacks for hit chance purposes rather than physical
• Ultimate Warrior now only works on Physical skills, not elemental damage etc
• Warrior Strike now destroys 1 piece of armour, Eagle Talon does 2, Wrath of Elitia and Sunder Armour does 3
• Jester's Trickster's proc chance is now 33% ( down from 75%)
• You now have a base Critical Hit Resist Chance ( shown on your Vital Stats) which provides basic protection against being critically hit. Some attacks automatically crit and override this, like if enemy is in Battle Rage etc.
• Each point put into vitality impacts Critical Hit Resist Chance by 1% (maxxes at 90%)
• Lightning Bolt negative status effects can never last more than 2 turns ( unless another successful lightning attack causes the status effect to reset )
• Removed Holy Smite hit chance bonus from the Conviction Skill

• Movement speed in battle has been halved - you can still reach a maximum of 75M per turn, but it will take twice as much agility to do so.
• Fixed some tooltip glitches

• Charisma now gives you a discount of 0.5% per point in Charisma, down from 1%.
• In multiplayer, Resetting Talents now costs a flat 20 stars each time.
• New gladiators in multiplayer gain 10 Stars and 2000 gold.
• Fixed server issue where de-connecting gladiators were not being removed from the total online count of gladiators (making it seem like more gladiators were online than were actually there)
• Reduced amount of armour pieces NPC gladiators can choose from at level 10 and below

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