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EON Fighter update for 8 March 2023

Dear player!

Share · View all patches · Build 10722826 · Last edited 8 March 2023 – 20:20:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear player,

We are excited to share that we have been working hard to improve your experience with EON Fighter. Over the last few days, we've made several small updates that include bug fixes and gameplay balancing adjustments. Although some of these fixes may go unnoticed, we are committed to providing you with a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience.

We value your feedback and have made adjustments to the difficulty of certain levels and enemies. Additionally, we have improved the behavior of enemy AI and balanced the damage and firing rates of weapons to provide a more challenging and rewarding gameplay experience.

Thank you for choosing EON Fighter as your gaming companion. We hope that you continue to have fun playing and exploring the game's exciting features.

Best regards Square Wheel

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