We’re releasing a nice little hot fix today to default. Check fixes against the changelog below.
Don’t forget to check out the new scenarios via Steam workshop. There are some great community scenarios and new official scenarios.
New Scenarios
Call of Duty Nazi Zombie Scenario
The second scenario is a bit more fun. It’s our take on what was a big inspiration for Survive the Nights, Call of Duty World at War’s Nazi Zombie mode. The addition of a continuous horde option allows us to basically create a wave based game.
We’ve designed a new UI system to display what wave you’re currently fighting. You’ll see the tally marks in the bottom left hand side of the screen. You’ll also notice a start/end sound when waves come and go. You should also notice the zombies in this mode have glowing eyes!
This completely changes the entire standard gameplay to a fast paced arcade style game mode. You start out in a well stocked and semi-fortified structure. You and your friends will be tasked with surviving as many hordes as possible before you all eventually succumb to the inevitable :) Big talk from us considering we’ve not made it beyond wave 8!
Waves start within a minute or so of the first players spawn in. Players will have just a bit of time to stock up and get ready for what’s to come. You will have around 35 seconds between waves to throw a couple of boards up and prepare for the next onslaught.
As with all of our scenarios, feel free to tweak settings to your liking. We can’t wait to see what you all come up with!
Horde Settings
House setup
- Intense wave based gameplay
- New UI for zombie waves
- New audio for wave start/completion
- Stocked and semi-fortified structure to hunker down in
Nazi Zombie Scenario
Night of the Living Dead Scenario
Another massive inspiration for Survive the Nights has be George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. This scenario takes place on a well stocked farm, you’ll have the day to prepare for an intense and massive night horde. This scenario also features walkers only to more closely replicate Romero’s zombies.
- Walkers only
- Large nightly wave (horde level 15)
- Well stocked and fortified structure
- Weapons provided
New Player Tutorial
We’re adding an official new player tutorial. This tutorial should be the first world new players check out. It provides a default setup and forces the tutorial on (most private servers have this off). The tutorial worlds allows players to learn basic gameplay mechanics in a semi-controlled environment.
- Spawn in a farm house on west side of island
- Resource on the property for tutorial complete
- Near by car lot
Patch Notes - Alpha 1.23.3 (Hot Fix)
- Fix for issue where plant type wasn’t set on server causing potential problems with not growing
- Fix for double "plant" and "water" in inventory buttons
- Fix for missing harvest and water buttons on the plant pots
- Increased time window where plants can grow
- Increased chance of growing in the winter and small general increase
- Seeds now always returned when harvesting ungrown plant
- Fix for issue where plant type wasn’t set on server causing potation problems with not growing
- Fix for double "plant" and "water" in inventory buttons
- Fix for missing harvest and water buttons on the plant pots
- Increased time window where plants can grow
- Increased chance of growing in the winter and small general increase
- Seeds now always returned when harvesting ungrown plant
- Fix for broken stags/chickens/foxes
- Fix for AI flickering when spawning in
- All achievements now achievable.
- Loading world save sequence now shows a % progress.
- Fixed issue which resulted in stamina not always working.
- Added logic for replacing the scenario image with a default when cloning another workshop item.
Discord: https://discord.gg/survivethenights
Patreon: https://patreon.com/a2zinteractive
Changelog: https://changelog.survivethenights.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/STNgame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STNgame
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/a2zinteractive
Website: https://www.survivethenights.net
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/a2zinteractive
Changed files in this update