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Sprocket update for 8 March 2023

V0.1252 - Hill starts (Experimental)

Share · View all patches · Build 10720546 · Last edited 8 March 2023 – 15:06:25 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hi all,

Here's a few more refinements to the powertrain updates on the experimental branch. Did a big stabilization pass in this one too.


  • The driver will now attempt a hill start on inclinations greater than 5 degrees. This should let you get going again after braking to a halt on a slope.
    The RPM the driver will go to before entering 1st gear will increase up to the upshift RPM as the inclination increases.
  • Added undo-redo support for the engine and transmission designers. This also works when loading individual engine/transmission blueprints.
  • Undo/redo now logs which action was undone/redone.


  • Increased engine torque at lower RPMs.
  • Adjusted wheel collisions to be closer to the centre of all wheels on an axle, instead of at the suspension connection point.
  • Renamed engine design RPM property from 'Max RPM' to 'Safe limit'.
  • Reimplemented engine RPM limiter design, should be less janky now.
  • Made the Unity logo splash screen background fully black.


  • Fixed turrets being considered [Not Connected] when placed on the central seam of a compartment split down the middle (like a pike-nose).
  • Ensured no designer processes are running outside of the designer. Was resulting in the ability to move track wheels in photomode.
  • The track belt now disappears correctly when there are no roadwheels in the track.
  • You can no longer exit the designer without any roadwheels.
  • Power preview in the engine designer now takes the torque curve into account.
  • Cruise control now resets when returning to the designer.
  • Fixed custom battle team setup save & load GUI not automatically disappearing when leaving the custom battle screen.
  • Roadwheel spacing slider no longer displayed with interleaved wheels, as it didn't do anything.
  • Fixed cannon balancing tip being partially cutoff.

File-editing notes:
Numbers are no longer clamped when loaded from a blueprint. This makes things simpler on my end and lets you see file-edited figures in-game.

  • Hamish

Changed depots in experimental branch

View more data in app history for build 10720546
Windows 64-bitEnglish Sprocket Content Depot 1674171
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