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中华一商 update for 8 March 2023

V1.1.3 update

Share · View all patches · Build 10720435 · Last edited 8 March 2023 – 15:06:34 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
  1. Optimized the underlying logic code of character models, reducing the occurrence of character-related bugs, such as the bug where changing a character's name would cause confusion in their position, or the bug where a character exists but cannot be used.
  2. Improved the save mode, allowing players to save and load multiple slots like traditional games.
  3. Added a new character attribute: Affinity. Affinity represents the relationship between a character and the family head. The higher the affinity, the more it can stimulate the character's potential and have a positive effect on their attributes. Conversely, it can have a negative effect when affinity is low. Currently, affinity can only increase automatically over time, and gameplay for interactive affinity growth and more uses for affinity will be added in subsequent versions.
  4. Family members over 50 years old can now use the "retirement" option. After retiring, the character will still be in the family tree but will not occupy the family size or be able to be assigned to positions.
  5. Unfinished achievements will now display progress.
  6. Fixed the problem where changing a character's name would not allow duplicate names but still prompt for a duplicate name.
  7. Optimized some shortcut key settings. The space bar can now control whether the game is paused or not on the map, and the shortcut to skip character dialogue and reminder boxes has been changed from the space bar to the enter key. Customizable shortcut key functions will be added in subsequent versions.

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