- Added a chest box that unlocks the last Bobot upgrade in.. well, I’ll let you find it yourself :).
- Added sounds to the wooden “valve” that’s responsible for opening gates.
- Added fire mechanics.
- Added more color variants for rails.
- Added missing thumbnails for levels 2-5 and 2-6.
- Added missing background music for levels 2-3, 2-4, 2-5 and 2-6.
- Changes to the base of the wooden “valves”, it shouldn't be in-your-way too much now.
- The mass of (any) ball debris now reflects the actual ball mass.
- Removed the necessity of using curvature offset scripts in (some) VFX’s. Thus reducing the load on the CPU a bit.
- Fixed wrong impact sound for 2 rails in level 1-2.
- Fixed random missing UI elements when requesting them.
- Fixed ball detectors malfunction sometimes after level start.
Changed files in this update