Hello adventurers!
We are very pleased to inform you about the new features that have been added in the experimental version. Our main goals were a chest storage system and a respawn system for resources, plus we added some new items and introduced some smaller item-related features.
In the coming weeks, we will be finalizing mechanics related to items, resource extraction and general survival. Starting in April, we want to start work related to the building system, which is one of the most important core of the game.
Changelog 0.13.1e
New content
- Added storage chest system - creating your own chest will be possible soon.
- Added respawn system for resource sources - trees, ores, bushes.
- New item - Wooden Club.
- New item - Copper Nugget.
- New item - Copper Bar.
- New widget informing about the collected item or extracted resource.
- All item icons have been improved.
- Added durability bar on tools.
- Added damage value in tools.
- Item details show the correct level of durability.
- Tools are destroyed when durability drops to 0%.
- Added new descriptions for items - available by hovering the mouse over the item.
- Improved inventory system.
- Added movement of grass and trees.
- New models for stone tools.
- Added mmore player spawners in the starter village.
- Cut trees and collected resources are saved in the game files.
- Pig icon for developer spawner.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed resource extraction in multiplayer mode.
- Fixed problem with durability resetting after dropping a tool from the inventory.
- Fixed problem with inventory not saving correctly in game files
If you want to help us develop the game or have other questions regarding The Warhorn, join our Discord! https://discord.gg/SbsRXMM
Changed depots in experimental branch