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Dome Keeper update for 8 March 2023

Hotfix for Springloaded

Share · View all patches · Build 10718000 · Last edited 8 March 2023 – 11:06:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Keepers

thank you so much for your feedback and first bug reports! We've been busy listening yesterday, and already fixed what we could.

One big fix is for the time between waves. This one has been around for long but went unnoticed by us. The original goal was for the easier difficulties to have more time between waves, and YAFI be the same as brutal, which is our baseline for everything. But actually the easier difficulties had the same time as brutal, and YAFI 36s instead of 60s initially. So it was the other way round. The 24s less for YAFI also were constant, and didn't depend on the cycle length.
With this version, the timing is affected by the difficulty like this:

  • normal 20% more time between waves
  • hard 10% more time between waves
  • brutal remains the same, 60s initially
  • yafi 20% less time between waves


Changelog Hotfix v2.4.1
  • fixed cheat detection marking runs on fixed cobalt cheated if they lasted above 20 cycles
  • fixed time between waves not being correctly influenced by difficulty
  • fixed diver not dying when hit with repellent's toxic fumes
  • fixed maze and long cycles not working together
  • added back strong repair for fixed cobalt mode, was missing by accident (50% heal instead of 15%)
  • implemented workaround to fix invisible relic switch chambers (long standing rare bug) that prevented finished a relic hunt run
  • spire burst now has 6s recharge time instead of 8s

We do expect that we'll have a balancing patch next week, depending on your feedback. So if you have feedback on the battle abilities or the new gadgets especially, please let us know :)

As always Should you encounter any bugs/issues while playing, please visit our support desk where someone can assist you
We are of course also active on the forums and our Discord.

Have fun :)

Windows 64-bit Depot 1637321
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Linux 64-bit Depot 1637322
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macOS 64-bit Depot 1637323
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