Warning! New content approaching!
Gunlocked the 2nd Gunning adds 3 new bosses, 7 new pilots, dozens of new upgrades, lots of new symbionics, more achievements, and additional new trials to amp up the challenge (2nd Generation is my favorite trial yet!).
Coinciding with this is a FREE update for everyone that adds a new boss to endless mode called the Knight Crawler, as well as 2 new weapons, utilities, aftermods, and a new symbionic called "Light Buzz". This update brings the game to version 1.25. Owners of the DLC will be greeted by a version 1.50 at startup.
Pick up the DLC for 15% all week over HERE
I'll be posting the full 1.25 patch notes in a separate update soon! Until then, enjoy! And thank you for all of your support!
Changed files in this update