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Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles update for 20 April 2023

[v1.83] Balance Changes

Share · View all patches · Build 10714413 · Last edited 20 April 2023 – 00:06:10 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Patch Version 1.83 for Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles features several balance changes to the gameplay. Please take a look at the changelog below. Thank you for continuing to play Demon Slayer -Kimetsu no Yaiba- The Hinokami Chronicles.

Combat Changes

  • Guarding
    • Lengthened window during which you can guard following the animation upon activating Surge.
  • Super Armor
    • The super armor effect was difficult to see in some cases, so all characters now flash white when they have super armor.

Character-Specific Changes

  • Tanjiro Kamado / Kimetsu Academy Tanjiro Kamado

    • Shortened recovery time after landing when using Skill 3 (Sixth Form: Whirlpool). The opponent will also be knocked back farther if they guard against it.
  • Tanjiro Kamado (Hinokami Kagura)

    • Lengthened combo timer when repeating input on Skill 3 (Phoenix Flash).
  • Nezuko Kamado / Kimetsu Academy Nezuko Kamado

    • Reduced size of hitbox for Skill 2 (Heel Bash). Improved ease of performing an Emergency Escape when being hit by an uncharged Skill 3 (Flying Kick). Increased damage dealt by a charged Skill 3 (Flying Kick).
  • Zenitsu Agatsuma / Kimetsu Academy Zenitsu Agatsuma

    • Increased Throw damage and lengthened recovery time for when it misses.
  • Inosuke Hashibira / Kimetsu Academy Inosuke Hashibira

    • Shortened recovery time when Skill 3 (Boar Rush) lands or is guarded. The opponent will also be knocked back farther if they guard against it.
  • Sakonji Urokodaki

    • Improved ease of landing Skill 1 (Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin), making the second hit easier to land. * Shortened time where an opponent is stunned after triggering a trap placed by Skill 3 (Master's Wisdom). The max number of traps has been reduced from 3 to 2, and the duration of traps has been shortened.
  • Sabito

    • Increased both Movement and Chase Dash speed. Lengthened guard stun for the first hit of Skill 1 (Eighth Form: Waterfall Basin) when used on the ground. Improved ease of landing Skill 2 (Third Form: Flowing Dance, Shadows of Dawn), making the second hit easier to land. Improved ability to lock onto opponents more easily when using Skill 2 (Third Form: Flowing Dance, Shadows of Dawn) on the ground. Shortened recovery time after landing when using Skill 3 (Sixth Form: Whirlpool). The opponent will also be knocked back farther if they guard against it.
  • Makomo

    • Special Gauge charges more easily. Increased hitbox size and damage dealt by Light Attacks. Increased Throw damage. Hitboxes come out earlier for Skill 1 (First Form: Water Surface Slash). Skill 2 (Second Form: Water Wheel) can no longer be canceled with Quick Dodge when completing the entire attack without hitting the opponent or being guarded, nor can it be canceled with another skill while charging forward. When a grounded Skill 2 (Second Form: Water Wheel) hits the opponent, it can now be canceled into another skill, an Aerial Attack, or Aerial Attack (Plunge). When an aerial Skill 2 (Second Form: Water Wheel) hits the opponent, it can now be canceled into another skill or an Aerial Attack (Plunge). * Increased how much the Special Gauge charges when Makomo lands her Support Skill.
  • Giyu Tomioka / Kimetsu Academy Giyu Tomioka

    • Increased both Movement and Chase Dash speed. Shortened recovery time after Skill 1 (Tenth Form: Constant Flux) completes. Combo can now be continued with a light attack after landing Skill 2 (Second Form: Water Wheel). * Lengthened counterattack window for Skill 3 (Eleventh Form: Dead Calm).
  • Shinobu Kocho / Kimetsu Academy Shinobu Kocho

    • Special Gauge charges more easily. Increased damage dealt by Skill 3 (Rising Thrust). Can be canceled with Quick Dodge when it hits. Increased how much the Special Gauge charges when Shinobu lands her Support Skill.
  • Kyojuro Rengoku

    • Increased Throw damage.
  • Murata

    • Skill 3 (Cheer) now recovers more of the Support Gauge.
  • Akaza

    • Increased hitbox size of Aerial Attack (Plunge) when landing on the ground. Shortened combo timer for Skill 1 (Destructive Death: Air Type). Increased damage dealt by Demon Skill 1 (Collapse).
  • Rui

    • Demon Skill 1 (Blood Demon Art: Murderous Eye Basket) will now nullify the opponent's projectiles (excluding Ultimate Art startups).
  • Yahaba

    • Shortened Jump height. Increased Throw damage and hitbox size. Shortened distance that Yahaba moves backwards when using Aerial Attack and Aerial Attack: 2-Hit Combo. * Shortened distance that Yahaba moves backwards when using Skill 1 (Boulder Toss).
  • Susamaru

    • Increased the damage dealt by Light Attacks. It is now more difficult to dodge the homing effect on the startup of Skill 2 (Spinning Throw). The Skill Gauge also begins recovering earlier. Reduced damage of an uncharged Skill 3 (Piercing Kick). It is also now possible to cancel with Quick Dodge when blocked.
  • Enmu

    • Aerial Attack can no longer be canceled with Quick Dodge. Delayed when the hitbox comes out during a Throw. Lengthened combo timer for Demon Skill 1 (Blood Demon Art: Whispers of Ordained Unconscious Mesmerism). The hitbox will also come out later.
  • Yushiro & Tamayo

    • Increased the damage dealt by Heavy Attacks. Increased the damage dealt by Skill 1 (Strike). Increased the damage dealt by Skill 2 (Spinning Attack). * Increased the damage dealt by Skill 3 (Debilitating Blow). The counterattack window will also begin sooner, and a successful counter can no longer be parried and will be easier to follow up with other attacks.
  • Tengen Uzui

    • Increased Throw damage. * Shortened recovery time when Skill 3 (Rising Kick) does not hit the opponent. Also, the opponent will be knocked back farther if they guard against it.
  • Nezuko Kamado (Advanced Demon Form)

    • Skill 1 (Frenzied Kicks) can now be canceled with Quick Dodge. * Increased damage dealt by Demon Skill 1 (Fiery Slash) and made it easier to break opponent's guard.
  • Tanjiro Kamado (Entertainment District)

    • Increased minimum damage dealt when landing Skill 3 (Hinokami Kagura: Clear Blue Sky) as part of a combo.
  • Zenitsu Agatsuma (Entertainment District)

    • Increased Chase Dash speed. Increased Throw damage and lengthened recovery time for when it misses. Reduced damage dealt by Skill 1 (Lightning Burst).
  • Inosuke Hashibira (Entertainment District)

    • Made it easier to break opponent's guard when using Chase Dash. * Increased Throw damage.
  • Daki

    • The Skill Gauge begins recovering sooner after using Skill 2 (Obi Pursuit).
  • Gyutaro

    • The Skill Gauge begins recovering sooner after using Skill 2 (Blood Sickle Slash).
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