The First Official Greats of the Gridiron Draft!
It was a huge success! Thanks to all those who have joined this historic, first league and season. We are looking forward to seeing who takes home the Gridiron Bowl!!
Here was the video on the Top 10 Players
The main pick window:
The draft is over and the players are signed!
Now that the league is has its Coaches and Players, playbook design is underway. With that, we have just finished the final touches of getting defenses to read and adjust to the offense's strong and weak side formations. Here's a breakdown of how it works.
In the first image, there is an "orange shaded" box dividing the defensive field in half. That is the defense's strongside. Whomever is lined up in this box will SHIFT to the Offense's Strongside (see Image 2) when they take the practice field or in a game.
The strongside in the first image is where the TE is lined up. In this case, the TE is on the LEFT side of the Offensive formation.
See how the defensive players in the orange box set in the Coordinator's Office adjusted to where the offense's strongside is? (image 2) below.
When doing this, coaches have the freedom to tell the defensive players to overload the strongside OR weakside with the players they so want. If you wanted to overload the weakside, all the coach needs to do it line up everyone on the Weak Side - the non-shaded part.... and the defense will adjust accordingly. See Image 3
And now on the Practice Field, all those players have shifted to the Weakside (see image 4)
Now defenses can blitz from the weakside or strongside with the personnel that best fits any situation.
This update include a needed change to the encrypted play data. In order to do this, the UI is going to be locked on a black screen for several minutes, more or less depending on your PC specs.
Please don't close the game during this process, or it will corrupt your database. If you need any assistance or have any questions, please post on the message boards or directly on Discord.
Changed files in this update