New encounters and lots of bug fixes in this patch!
Most importantly, in my opinion, I'm glad to finally fix the in-game menu blocking hotbar keys fixed on the live branch. This has been causing frustration for people, when the escape menu, but not an actual window comes open and blocks the use of hotbar keys. This patch for one no longer opens the menu when you escape out of a window, but it will also automatically close if you press a hotkey while there isn't an actual window open.
Some new encounters can also be found throughout the world:
Over time the game has developed a lot of different systems, we're now trying to improve the quality of those systems and add more content to them. These new encounters are considered "small encounters" and can be found scattered throughout the over-world, including two treasure cache types that do not show up on the map.
Besides that and a variety of bug fixes and performance improvements we are well underway with full controller support. We used the start screen and all of the game settings and character and world creation as a good testing point for the coding. Everything is working well there on our end, though not implemented for end users, so work is now underway on the in-game content.
More to come!
Condensed live patch notes:
v - > v, 2023.03.07
- Added 4 new small encounters. Goblin totems, Buried Treasure (several varieties), Abandoned Goods, and Imp Rifts.
- Added shrines that can grant temporary buffs
- Upgraded dungeon generation to a wave function collapse method
- Added common room to dungeons with food spawning tables
- Now automatically combining meshes in dungeons to improve performance
- Disabled the menu opening when hitting escape while another window is open
- Now allowing player input to no longed be blocked by the MenuUI unless a window is actually open
- Fixed storehouse not gathering town resources properly
- Fixed several world encounter teleport, entrance/exit bugs
- Fixed town storehouse errors with special resources
- Fixed heals throwing an error when monsters are selected
- Fixed melee skills locking up player movement in some instance
- Fixed basic melee attacks unintentionally using an outdated range check causing blank swings
- Fixed bug causing markers to not disappear after clearing an encounter
- Fixed a null ref error in TargetUI
- Fixed an error when casting buffs on enemies
- Fixed a variety of potion effects and skill/spell effects cast by others not showing up in multiplayer
Latest changes to beta:
v 2023.03.07
- Added common Room with food spawning tables
- Refactored, sped up, and added multi-threading to dungeon wave function collapse decorator
- Now allowing player input to no longed be blocked by the MenuUI unless a window is actually open
- Fixed a null ref error in TargetUI
- Fixed an error when casting buffs on enemies
- Fixed shrines serialization and behavior in sp and mp
- Fixed bug causing markers to not disappear after clearing an encounter
- Fixed a variety of potion effects and skill/spell effects cast by others not showing up in multiplayer
v 2023.02.18
- Fixed several serialization and data management issues for the new small encounters
- Fixed input being blocked in some cases for MP clients
v 2023.02.17
- Fixed storehouse not gathering town resources properly
- Fixed several world encounter teleport, entrance/exit bugs
You may need to restart Steam for the update to begin, or you can verify file integrity to trigger it.
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Changed files in this update