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Aimlabs update for 7 March 2023

Steam Aimlabs+ Subscriptions are LIVE!

Share · View all patches · Build 10708410 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 12:23:01 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Introducing the new Aimlabs+ membership, featuring a tier system so you can pick the subscription that fits you best! Available now on our Steam store page!

Aimlabs+ Basic Membership

Grants you access to our brand-new, VALORANT-focused (with many more games to come!) advanced training.

  • Premium metrics in VALORANT StatsCenter like in-round win expectancy, and recommended tasks in Aimlabs PC based on your gameplay.
  • Aimlabs PC VALORANT advanced training; with many more games to come.
  • Run It Back: Personalized tasks generated from VALORANT deaths. By using VALORANT StatCenter you'll be able to review your matches and pick deaths from your Competitive and Unrated matches to generate tasks in Aim Lab.
  • Use Practice mode to activate Crosshair Placement and Movement Accuracy visualizations in game. Perfecting these two core skills is a fundamental step in becoming better at VALORANT, and with real-time visualizations, you’ll be able to hone your good habits and improve your consistency.
  • Integration with your Riot account, showing you personalized training based on your in-game trends, and an analysis suite so you can compare in-game and Aim Lab improvement.
  • New 1:1 VALORANT maps to train your in-game skills, also available FOR FREE in Creator Studio as map templates.
  • Across all tasks played, you’ll be analyzed with game-specific advanced metrics, such as a crosshair placement score and a movement accuracy score that assesses how often you fire while still moving.
  • Share your progress through a fully customizable player card, containing an overall score that is based on your game-specific metrics in Aim Lab.

Aimlabs+ Premium Membership

All the incredible features above, plus access to a brand-new AI-powered training experience.

  • AI-POWERED TRAINING: Discovery is a new AI-powered suite that guides you through your path to improvement. It's always ready to help you generate new content and recommend high-quality coaching or content.
  • AI-GENERATED VALORANT TASKS: Tell Discovery what you're struggling with in any language, and we'll generate a VALORANT task to help you out.
  • AI TASK EDITING: Edit any Creator Studio task using Discovery.
  • AI-CURATED INSIGHTS: Chat with Discovery to discuss your training, receive personalized insights, and get recommendations for high-quality content.

Subscribe now and get the Steam subscriber-exclusive gun skin and title! If you're subscribed through Steam, you'll automatically unlock the CYBER COBRA skin bundle and the SSSTEAMY title in-game.

If you aren't already following us, check out @aimlab on Twitter & Instagram for more awesome events, memes, and training tips. Don't forget you can report any bugs in-game and join us on Discord or check out the subreddit to let us know of any feature requests you have or just to come and hang out with the community & our devs!

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