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CYBER TENNIS update for 7 March 2023

New Update Version 1.8.1 Released!

Share · View all patches · Build 10708227 · Last edited 7 March 2023 – 09:19:24 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via
  1. Revised the RANK point system, making it more difficult to maintain points at Master and higher ranks. Also, existing RANK points have been modified to GRANDSLAM+ values.
  2. For Tour RANK and higher players, the difficulty of the racket swing now increases with RANK. Higher ranked players are required to play more accurate shots.
  3. The highest rank title, "LEGEND", has been added, making it very difficult to maintain the LEGEND rank.
  4. Partners and higher level computers have been made a little stronger.
  5. A new character "HAENA" has been added.
  6. The stage bosses have been changed to reflect the addition of new characters.
  7. Changed the initial selection of partners.
  8. Fixed other minor bugs.

Questions, bug reports, requests are here.

Windows 64-bit CYBER TENNIS Content Depot 1474571
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Windows 64-bitSimplified Chinese Depot 1474574
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