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Paragon: The Overprime update for 7 March 2023

Inappropriate Gameplay and Conduct Restriction Notice (March)(Added 3/28)

Share · View all patches · Build 10708061 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Greetings Warriors!
This is Paragon: The Overprime.

We always prioritize bringing a fair gaming environment, focusing on reducing the number of players who acts disrespectfully in the game.

We've received numerous reports from our Warriors lately and identified that many of them are experiencing inconveniences due to other players' inappropriate in-game behavior and conduct.

For this reason, we have decided to proceed with imposing restrictions on players causing inconvenience to our Warriors by inappropriate conduct and illegitimate gameplay.

Inappropriate Gameplay and Conduct Restriction Notice

[1st Use of Inappropriate Gameplay]

[2nd Use of Inappropriate Gameplay]

[2nd Use of Illegitimate Program]

Inappropriate Gameplay and Conduct Restriction Notice (3/14)

[1st Use of Inappropriate Gameplay]

[2nd Use of Inappropriate Gameplay]

[3rd Use of Inappropriate Gameplay]

Inappropriate Gameplay and Conduct Restriction Notice (3/21)

[1st Use of Inappropriate Gameplay]

[2nd Use of Inappropriate Gameplay]

[3rd Use of Inappropriate Gameplay]

Inappropriate Gameplay and Conduct Restriction Notice (3/28)

[1st Use of Inappropriate Gameplay]

[2nd Use of Inappropriate Gameplay]

[3rd Use of Inappropriate Gameplay]

[4th Use of Inappropriate Gameplay]

Restrictions for disrespectful/inappropriate behavior are being carried out through the automatic restriction system.
Please report any users who are exhibiting inappropriate behavior.

Also, if you were unable to report players' inappropriate in-game behavior and conduct, please report them through Discord.
We will take action after confirming the relevant details.

Paragon: The Overprime will do its best to provide you with a comfortable gaming environment.

Thank you.

Changed depots in aram branch

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Windows Depot 1531431
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