Greetings again mighty gladiators - it's time for the daily patch as we lead up to Full Launch on March 9th!
This patch is mainly balancing and bugfixing based on player feedback ( thank you once again!) . Perhaps the biggest change is removing the use of potions from multiplayer battles. They were causing some desync issues and also dragged out battles a lot longer than they should have. There are also now cooldowns on potions in single player mode so they can't just be spammed.
• Players may no longer use potions in battle in multiplayer in the spirit of balance (and some desyncing issues)
• All species special skills now have a base hit chance of 60% (except Yerens, which remains at 33%)
• Wrath of Elitia now does 30% total health damage if used on an enemy with no armour.
• Strength now increases attack hit chance by 0.5% per point
• Agility now increases ranged hit chance by 0.5%
• Strength no longer increases critical hit chance.
• Increased Mighty Smash base hit chance to 60%
• Fixed a bug where Fighter of Faith did more damage vs good than evil
• Reduced damage from elemental spells by roughly 30%
• Two handed melee weapons now increase melee critical hit chance by 10%
• Increased maximum movement speed to 75 from 50
• Ancestral Warcry and Occult Aura hit chances lowered to 60% from 80% base
• Captivation talent reduced from 8% to 4% per point
• All lightning spells hit chances have been reduced by 20% base
• Weapons Master and Final Judgement bonuses increased to 6% per point (up from 3 and 5)
• Reduced the amount of total potions regular NPCs can carry into battle
• There is now a 4 turn cooldown on drinking another potion after you drink one.
• Removed the ability to use Shadows and Dust with a bow - introduced too many bugs and was supposed to be like a sneaky melee hit anyway.
• Fixed a bug where you could get stuck doing Shadows and Dust skill
• Fixed a bug where some magical attacks counted as critical hits when they weren't supposed to (only physical/sonic attacks can crit usually)
• Fixed a bug where some Switch Weapon rules were being ignored
• Fixed a bug where some fire runes could not be used on melee weapons
• Increased physical damage bonus to weapons enchanted by Physical Runes and Sonic Runes
• Sonic runes now act as physical runes, but only for sonic weapons like guitars. This damage is 'baked in' to the weapon when you enchant or when you see it in the shop, so it doesn't appear as 'bonus damage' in the battle - you can see the damage update when you look at the enchant panel in the shop.
• Phalanx skill moved to a tier 4 ability down from tier 5
• Fixed a stat exploit on the character creation menu
• Changed description of some class special abilities to show percentages instead of points
• Fixed a bug with difficulty selection slider on repeat views
• Loading saved games from earlier patches (pre 0.9.7) will now match the boss difficulty to your game difficulty
Changed files in this update