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Dungeons of Aether update for 7 March 2023

Patch 1.07 Notes

Share · View all patches · Build 10704522 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:51:29 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We're back with another patch to kick off a new week of dungeon delving. One piece of feedback we saw from plenty of players was that the game definitely doesn't pull any punches in difficulty (especially once you start to get into chapter 3 and beyond). It's always been our goal to make sure the game is tough enough for the strategies and players' choices to matter, but we also want to ensure new players have a chance to learn without getting shutdown.

To help accomplish this we've made story mode now default to the "Story" level difficulty when creating a new run. This change won't affect current runs, but as a reminder, you can always hop into the settings and change your difficulty up or down at any point during your adventure. The "Normal" difficulty has also been renamed to "Advanced". Gameplay for this difficulty hasn't changed, but we want this to better reflect the advanced tactics our AI uses as you progress on this setting. You can find these changes along with other updates and fixes in our full patch notes below.

Reminder: Tomorrow marks one week since we launched. Once we hit that milestone at 10AM PT on 3/7 our special 10% off introductory offer will end. Last call to grab the game at a discount!

Patch Notes

  • Added difficulty descriptions to give players a better idea of what they're getting into.
  • The default difficulty for new runs is now set to "Story".
  • "Normal" difficulty has been renamed to "Advanced". Gameplay for this difficulty hasn't changed, but we wanted this to better reflect the advanced tactics our AI uses as you progress on this setting.
  • AI starts using advanced behaviour earlier on Hard difficulty.
  • Fixed HP not saving properly when traveling from Town.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Blacksmith to make you pay double price (what a ripoff).
  • Using one Tavern found within a Dungeon will no longer mark the second one you find as "used" (if you're lucky enough to come across two).
  • Fixed an issue that caused equippables consumed by Avarum to still trigger at turn start.
  • The Lava shader has been optimized.
  • Fixed the shop buttons disappearing when pausing.
  • Fixed an audio glitch that could occur on using the Tavern.
  • Buildings descriptions updated.
  • The Scroll of Discord will no longer create a "SKIP" button before at least one die is relocated.
  • STUN will no longer create a "SKIP" button if at least one die can be discarded.
Windows Depot 1668291
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