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Heroes of Steel RPG update for 6 March 2023


Share · View all patches · Build 10703052 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Syvana the Witch has arrived in the dungeons of Red Hill, unlawfully jailed for a kind act turned against her. Luckily, her cell mates seem like good types ...

We are very excited to introduce the 9th hero to Heroes of Steel thanks to the generous support and patience of our Patreon community. We worked closely with the patrons who helped us hit the milestone to design the Witch, picking the Mystic slot, voting on her character class and brainstorming her unique and powerful Talents.

Now, thanks to the Patreon support - everyone can enjoy 7 completely new combinations for your team builds. As an enduring Trese Brothers classic, we're so excited to bring new content into this game and to give fans in our community a reason to harken back to the Underdeep.

Syvana shakes up the tactical combat options within the game but also brings a new perspective to the story events that ensnare your heroes, over 1,000 unique lines of dialog and a new Legendary Item.

The fire is burning in the forest, is it you?

Hexing Skirmisher

Designed as a skirmisher, the Witch has many unique abilities that set her apart from the other heroes. One of her buffs allows her to throw 1-H melee spears at short range. This powerful buff lets her hit from many angles, staying just outside of the fray. Unable to carry a shield or wear heavy armor, she must be careful to avoid getting sucked into the heaviest of combat.

On top of her magical spear, Syvana boasts a wide range of hexes and curses to debilitate her enemies at range. And finally, Syvana can use Death Curses, special curses that have chained effects when the target of the curse dies -- the death of these cursed foes might heal nearby allies or harm nearby enemies.

Let us know if you encounter any errors

We've playtested as best we're able, but adding a new character with new abilities affects so much of the game it's impossible for us to account for all possible interactions. If you encounter any bugs with Syvana, let us know at or through the Steam forums, and we'll roll out a patch.

Next up from Trese Brothers

You may have heard our next game, Cyber Knights: Flashpoint is on its way to Steam in 2023. A turn-based cyberpunk heist RPG, Cyber Knight's features XCOM-like combat & squad building with a unique heist system for missions that ratchet up the tension, intermixing stealth, hacking and combat.

v5.1.1 - 2/8/2023

  • All new character, Syvana the Witch
  • Swap Syvana into the Mystic Slot, replacing Kyera or Fyona
  • Hurl a magical spear at skirmish range for devastating damage
  • Rain down curses and debuffs as the queen of hexes, the Witch
  • Use death curses to cause powerful follow-up effects when the enemy dies
  • Enjoy Heroes of Steel all over again with a new group and new meta
Windows English Heroes of Steel Content Depot 291191
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macOS English Heroes of Steel: Tactics RPG for MAC Depot 291192
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Linux 64-bitEnglish Heroes of Steel: Tactics RPG for Linux Depot 291193
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Linux 32-bitEnglish Heroes of Steel RPG Depot Linux 32 Depot 291194
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