This Conspirator has been dying to meet you! The Necromancer is a community-voted Conspirator that may summon undead minions.
Back on November 16, 2022, we polled the community regarding the next developed Conspirator role. The Necromancer won with 60.1% of the votes followed by Gravedigger at 28.4%, then Informant at 11.5%. At the time of voting, the role was only a sketch & an idea. Then once Necromancer won the community poll - its full development began.
"We're excited to bring you a new role that differs a lot from other conspirator roles. With our poll the community had the choice to decide which type of conspirator role should be added next. Its was going to be an information influencing role (Informant, Gravedigger) or a more effective killing role (Necromancer). The community decided for the latter. We finally could tackle our Necromancer ideas with the work we put into AI previously - remember the Poltergeist and pet additions? The necromancer combines both with reviving undead players and zombie dogs and give you new styles of play for both day and night." - Zale, Lead Developer at VestGames
The Necromancer is a Conspirator that may summon undead minions. Undead minions, be it pets or zombie players, can attack others and help secure kills or create distractions.
Necromancers are awake at night, as all conspirators are, and can kill during day and night.
Seed of Undead: Select a dead player who will rise from the dead with a 30-60 second delay. Undead players will attack and chase any players nearby. They are slower than players so you are able to escape them.
Command Undead Patrol: Command all undead to patrol a certain location.
Summon Undead Dog (Passive): At night you will summon an undead dog which will follow you and attack nearby players.
Wrath of the Fallen (Passive): If this player's role is being identified, the investigating player will take damage.
- Ghost Quest "Revenge on the thugs" by the docks no longer bugs if you dash away while pushing the NPCs
- Cosmetic item: The "Old school" layout caused players to fall through the ground
- Cosmetic item: Wolf trophy was not equipable - causing the equipment to not save
- Input keybinds were not saving properly
- Slanderer: Face Morph caused a crash when changing into a dead player
- Characters kept emoting when they died
- Poltergeist disappeared without showing an animation
- Frostpit: Collision was missing by waterfall, it was possible to jump into the canal
- Killing a Poltergeist made players be stuck in place when multiple ghost players interacted at the same time
- Reopening the Session Setting menu in the lobby resets the selected map to the default Eville map
- [UI] The wrong lobby was selected when having a password popup during lobby selection and switching between Controller and Keyboard while typing in the password
Changed files in this update