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东方大战争 ~ Touhou Big Big Battle update for 6 March 2023

2023/3/6 Balance change

Share · View all patches · Build 10700148 · Last edited 6 March 2023 – 11:13:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

C Cards:

Stealth sign cooldown 7.5——6.5

Black sphere’s accuracy debuff:60%——65%

HP 25——24
Speed reduction duration 3——4

Lily :
Healing sign cooldown 6——5.5
Nerfed overall strength, and buffed the support strength instead

Sunny 1st Spell Green point 2——1
Lunar 1st Spell duration0.8——0.9
Star 1st Spell damage increase 30——35
Tweaked the three fairest to be more independent

B Cards:
Frozen Froggy 45%——50%
Nerfed the froggy(nah)

Passive block 26%——30%
Shield block 70%——80%
Shield duration reduced by 0.25 seconds
Momizi being the classic tanking minion, should have high armor and blocking rates. So we have decided to increase the effectiveness of her block, and at the same time, tweaked her in such a way that there’s a balance in term of HP so that attacks with True Damage and high damage DPS minions could on paper pose a threat to her.。

HP 85——100
Armor 3——2
As another tank apart from Momizi, we tried to differenate the two by increase the HP so as to be an more effective tank against minions that are main DPS.

Range 4.5——5

2nd Spell Green points2——3
1st Spell duration increased by 0.2 sec
Balanced out the two Spell cards

Ground point crowd control duration increased by 0.2 secs

A Cards:

Cost 29—31

Cost 32—30
As someone who is both in both attacking and defending, we decided to tweaked the price a bit

Time stop Green point cost 7——8

HP 41——39
As the typical summoner type of character, Lan need to be weaker

Normal attack stun 1s—1.2s
Hopefully Minamitu would have a heavier impact on minions with high attributes

Rin:Cost 48——46

Attack 13——14
Fire ball damage 27——29
Firewall damage 12——15
Firewall duration 10——7
Firewall Green point cost 6——9

Buffed Patchouli whose whole deal is that of a glass cannon, and now as long as there’s someone there to cover for her, she should be a strong DPS.
Firewall is skill that is a pain in the ass for a lot of players with its long duration and is noted to be on the same noob tier as a nuke. Hence we tweaked it so that the units within the wall will quickly be roasted, and yet the wall won’t be up for long, to reduce space and tried to let players use the wall in a more tactical way.

Lunasa’s normal attack AOE damage:14——13
Concert Green point-1
Balanced out the two spell cards.

All attack (including the plate toss)’s ignition chance 30%——33%
Futo’s specialty of areal denial and true damage with her ignition should be something of her signature.

Konpaku :
Sakura Flash damage 12——11;
Sakura Flash cooldown 3——2,Green point cost 3——4

Dash Domination damage 8——6
Total shots 4——6
Pause between each shots 0.25——0.2
Well, that’s that

S Cards:

Revival Spell cost 7——6

Flandre :
Having 1 more HP than the sis, that should make things more interesting

Stomp Cooldown 6——5.5
Stomp Green point cost 5——6

Buddha Palm stun 2——2.5
Sheild green point 5--3

HP 48——51
Butterfly Sign green point cost 6——5
Increased the values of the S tier cards worth in term melee.

Melon counts 6——8

HP 60--57
Teleportation sign cooldown3——2.5
Casting animation before teleportation has been reduced by half
Tweaked the balance between her two spells cards.

Blooming duration of her flowers has been increased by 3 seconds.
Drastically increased her effectiveness for long battles.



Eirin :q skill cost increased by 1
Had to balance out the buff we made to her Q by increase the price.

Q skill cost increased by 1
Q skill damage 10/12/14/16——9/12/14/17
R skill damage reduction duration increased by 1 sec
Sanae’s Q has been deemed to be a bit too strong against C and B tiered minions, while STILL being a good support. And hence we had decided to tweak her a bit so as not to be such a seal clubber.

Q skill speed reduction increased to 90%, duration changed to 1 sec
She deserved it…

Q damage8/9/11/13----7/10/12/15
Yuka’s Q, being a skill with no AOE, seems to be a skill that is hardly utilized in both early and late game, and so we have tweaked her in such a way that her Q is more viable in late game, so as not to be some PC that only uses the R skill.

Q cost 13——14
E cost 30——28
R cost 45——40
Tenshi’s E and R are already good enough, but with their high cost it usually tuned the skills into a game of risk over reward with every usage. Hence we tweaked it and hoped that she can now be more risk free.

E skill cooldown increased by 5 secs
R skill cost reduced by 3
A good Reimu is able to release an E on every wave, and totally wrack the enemy. While on the other hand, her R skill feels to be underused and so we have increased the cooldown for her E, and reduce the cost for her R to balance things out a bit.

Store price changes:
Sunny 4800-3150
Ringo 6300-3150
Prismrivers 6300-4800
Ichirin 6300-3150
DD 6300-4800
Miko 6300-4800
Eternity 6300-3150
Rin 1350-3150
Star’s usage has been adjustment synchronically

Windows 东方大战争 ~ Touhou Epic War Content Depot 878381
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