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Full Gear update for 6 March 2023

v1.0.2: The One Week Patch

Share · View all patches · Build 10699433 · Last edited 6 March 2023 – 09:39:24 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, adventurers!

I hear you, in my dreams and my nightmares. I'd like full keyboard support for Full Gear one day, and I'm slowly working towards it. The current extra numpad navigation is a good start, and inventory management and menu navigation will soon follow. Naturally, mouse and keyboard support will always remain, too.

v1.0.2: The One Week Patch

Added: 6 new items, obtained from trading with NPC's! Worth a bunch, but not with the greatest stats.
Added: 2 new Achievements to help you know what's going on
Added: a conversation for why waiting too long is bad
Added: you can now use the arrow keys and numpad for attacking, using, opening and interacting with stuff
Added: you can now exit your inventory with the mouse
Changed: directly clicking on traps now walks you to them
Changed: extended the Backrooms music track
Fixed: in-dungeon conversations wouldn't reset the camera zoom
Fixed: Tokens wouldn't draw themselves in the middle of a cog
Fixed: Music being unusually quiet

As for bigger updates, expect version 1.1 to drop in a few weeks. There's a lot of items I still would like to have

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